Community Update: Rehabilitation of Lock 46 Underway
Rideau Canal National Historic Site
Kingston Mills Lock construction
January 24, 2019 – The first phase of work on Kingston Mills Locks is well underway. As a three year project, work has been subdivided and phased over the non-navigation seasons. This initial phase, scheduled to complete in May 2019, is focused on repairs to Lock 46 and the basin walls.
Recently, the contractor completed installing the cofferdam – a temporary dam used to create a dry in-water work space. The area between the cofferdam and the stop logs has been dewatered and masonry repairs are underway within the lock. The contractor is repairing the concrete and stone in Lock 46 and will focus on Lock 47, 48, and 49 in the subsequent years.
This project will extend the life of these historic structures and improve their water management capabilities. Substantial project completion is expected in spring 2021.
About Kingston Mills
In 1784, to support new Loyalist settlers, the British Government built a saw mill and grist mill at what is now known as Kingston Mills. In 1824, plans for locks along the Cataraqui River were developed to accommodate navigation. As the project advanced, anew plan was adopted that would raise the arch dam, reducing the need for locks between Kingston Mills and Lower Brewers Mills. Historically, the dam provided a basin of water required to operate the grist mill located downstream. Presently, it supports a hydro generating facility.
Beyond its historical importance, Kingston Mills, one of 24 lockstations on the Rideau Canal, is a prime example of engineering mastery. The four limestone locks each have a lift of 3.6 metres and utilize manual methods of opening and closing the lock gates – with push bar, swing bar and endless chain mechanisms.
For More Information:
For up-to-date news on infrastructure work along the Rideau Canal, please visit our website: If you would like to be added to our community engagement list to receive updates on this project, please e-mail and include “Kingston Mills Locks” in the subject heading.
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