History comes alive!

Fort St. Joseph National Historic Site

Situated on the north shore of Lake Huron, Fort St. Joseph was a remote, but thriving, fur trade and military community at the edge of a newly drawn international border. It served as a base for the fur trade of the Upper Great Lakes and the first British military maneuver against the United States in the War of 1812.

Construction of Fort St. Joseph began in 1796. Now, over 200 years later, immerse yourself in history and culture. Engage with costumed interpreters to see, hear, and smell what life at an interior post was like, and learn about the different cultural groups that made up the community of Fort St. Joseph.

Since all are outdoors, demonstration times and/or the ability to present may change based on weather conditions.

Please see below for more information.

Fur Trade Encampment

Interact with costumed interpreters who will present skills, crafts and pastimes of the fur trade, military life and frontier living at Fort St. Joseph! Join us in the afternoon to learn about a variety of subjects including traditional fire lighting with flint and steel, cooking on an open fire, the trade goods and furs of the fur trade, and crafts such as fingerweaving  These activities are free with admission and vary depending on weather and staffing.

Date: Daily throughout June, July and August; Saturday and Sunday in September

Time: 11am – 4pm

Flintlock Musket Firing

Come experience the flash and ‘bang’ of a flintlock musket as interpreters tell you about its importance to the people of historic Fort St. Joseph. The British military, civilians, and Indigenous peoples all relied upon the flintlock musket to some degree, and it was an important item in the fur trade. Learn about how flintlocks functioned, the care required in their use, and the role they played at Fort St. Joseph.

Date: Wednesday – Saturday 

Time: 11:30, 1:30 and 3:30

Do you want to discover the excitement of firing a flintlock musket?

Historic Bake Oven Cooking

Experience our traditional clay bake oven, just like the residents of Fort St. Joseph! Built of locally collected materials, this wood-fired oven is in the same style as those that were in the bakehouses at the fort. Fresh bread was the mainstay of soldiers’ rations and one of the things that made life on the frontier a little more pleasant for the British. Watch and smell as we bake bread and other tasty treats using tools, utensils and techniques from the early 1800s.

Date:Sundays throughout July and August.

Time: 11 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Morning – Firing up the bake oven
Afternoon – Baking bread…exact timing depends on environmental conditions.


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