Previous update of the management plan implementation
Fort St. Joseph National Historic Site
Management plans identify the long-term strategic direction and vision for Parks Canada places. Plans provide a framework for site management, aligning with the Agency’s mandate, vision and strategic outcomes. Management plans are guiding documents for decision-making and planning.
This annual update serves as a progress report to partners, stakeholders, and the public outlining our work in implementing the key strategies from the management plan over the last year.
2017 - 2018
Visitor Experience
- New interpretive panels installed for the 100th anniversary of national historic sites.
- Rendezvous event held as part of Canada 150 celebrations with over 300 in attendance.
- Bioblitz held in partnership with Pukaskwa National Park and local organizations resulting in 237 new species being added to the site inventory in a 24 hour period.
- Visitation increased 60% over 2016-17 as a result of Canada 150 celebrations and free admission.
- Design completed for the ruins restoration project. Work expected to begin in late 2018.
- Upgrades to maintenance compound septic system and buildings completed.
Site Management and Promotion
- New Fort St. Joseph Management Plan approved for implementation by Minister.
- Increased awareness as Facebook posts reached 36,133 views - up 275% from 2016-17.
- Worked with Pukaskwa National Park staff to map Monarch butterfly habitat and create best practice for vegetation management for the site to protect species at risk.
- New wayfinding signage produced to direct visitors to fort from Richards Landing
Stakeholder Relations
- Signed partnering Memorandum of Understanding with Métis Nation of Ontario
- Secured funding to build relationships with Métis partners and held initial meeting with regional Métis representatives to discuss potential collaborative projects.
Key Strategy 1: From Remote Outpost to 'Must See' Attraction
This strategy focuses on raising the profile of Fort St. Joseph by expanding reach.
- Site staff attended five off-site community events to raise awareness and provide information to attract new and repeat visitors to the fort
- Through more posts, we increased Facebook engagement by 112% and followers by 28%
- Although visitation was down from 2017 when Parks Canada offered free admission to celebrate Canada 150, it was higher than 2016.
Key Strategy 2: Creating 21st Century Alliances and New Fort Experiences
The intent of this strategy is to strengthen relationships and diversify visitor experience opportunities at the site.
- Continued to advance relationships with Indigenous partners launching Open Doors program to provide free admission to the site for Region 4 Métis Councils
- Worked with Voyageur Canoe Brigade and Armstrong Company to enhance Canada National Historic Places Day event offering canoe rides and black powder demonstrations
- Our strong volunteer program continues at the fort with 47 volunteers and 301 hours of service in 2018
- Invited military interpreters from Signal Hill to help create new programming at the fort
Key Strategy 3: Preserving the Past and Sustaining the Future
This strategy aims to conserve and maintain cultural resources and contemporary assets.
- Design for ruins rehabilitation completed and tender-ready package prepared
- Addressed deferred maintenance in storage compound by installing new windows and doors
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