Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site
Any person who occupies the land in a National Historic Site requires a licence of occupation. National Historic Sites are owned by all Canadians.
Our Realty office will assist you with all aspects of licences of occupation which include cottage lots, access lots, commercial water lots, and utilities.
Please contact us when:
- Considering in-water, shoreline work or aquatic vegetation removal.
- Repairing, removing or installing a utility crossing or infrastructure.
- Designing renovations for the exterior of a building and/or enlargements to a building footprint or new building or structure.
- Demolition/removal of a structure.
- Planning to remove or plant trees, install fences, trenching or any other alteration to the land.
Selling or buying privately owned structures on Parks Canada lands. This includes:
- All licensees selling to another person or persons, or a corporation.
- Removing names from a licence, or adding names to the licence.
Updating your mailing address and/or other contact information, and/or:
- Changing your legal name due to marriage, divorce or other.
- When a licensee passes away.
- Replacing directors with signing authority (when the licence is held by a corporation).
- When the licensee’s control and authority has been given over to a Public Trustee or Guardian.
- If a Power of Attorney giving authority to others to manage your licence or other form of written instruction is in place.
For questions or concerns, please email trentsevern@pc.gc.ca.
Frequently asked licences questions
When does my licence expire?
What does “during pleasure” mean?
Why do I have to pay taxes on Parks Canada’s land?
Who collects the taxes on my licenced property?
When is permission required?
Licensees who occupy Trent-Severn Waterway land require prior written permission from Parks Canada in order to make any changes to the lot, including tree trimming and removal, in-water and shoreline works (including the installation, repair and replacement of in-water structures such as docks, boathouses, boatlifts and shoreline stabilization, etc.) new buildings, and additions or exterior modifications to existing structures.
- Constructing, altering or renovating any building, accessory structure such as a shed or a deck
- Changes or new installations water/sewer/wastewater systems
- Connection to the water/sewer system
- Demolishing or moving a building
- Changing the use of a lot or building(s)
- Installing, changing or relocating a sign
- Changing the landscaping, digging, or grading (including tree removal and fencing)
Any major repairs such as demolition/renovations, changes in size, shape, use etc. would need approval from Parks Canada and a building permit from your local municipality/township.
Parks Canada must be notified first and issue approval prior to applying to your local municipality for a building permit.
Can we have RV’s or motor homes on Trent-Severn Waterway licenced land?
Why do I need permission from Parks Canada to put a structure/fence on land that I licence?
There is a dead tree on the land I licence, who is responsible for removing it?
Can I renovate/repair/replace the structures on the licenced land?
Parks Canada must issue approval prior to you applying to your local municipality for a building permit. Submission for approval includes but is not limited to: site photographs, site plan, copy of insurance for licenced land, and detailed description of the work that is being requested; which must include size, location, and design (including colour).
Can I landscape the property?
Can I install a dock?
What would make Parks Canada cancel my licence?
If I don’t come under licence, what will happen to me?
What should my insurance policy say?
If I licence the land am I liable – do I need an extra rider on my insurance?
Why can’t I transfer my licence?
How do you determine what my annual rental will be?
Does having a cottage lot licence give me year round access?
Why can’t I just purchase the land from Parks Canada?
The impact of shoreline development on the waterway is continually reviewed and the Trent-Severn Waterway has evaluated this against the practice of shore land sales to third parties. It has been determined the federal Crown lands are best administered by Parks Canada.
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