Community Update: Work on the Swing Bridge to Continue into September
Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site
Construction update – July 4, 2018
The Brighton Road Swing Bridge, located along the Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site, will remain closed to vehicle traffic until early September. This closure is to facilitate the replacement of the existing swing bridge with a new, two-lane swing bridge and pedestrian sidewalk.
The bridge opening has been delayed due to complications with subcontractors’ completion of hydraulics systems and fabrication issues with key mechanical elements.

The bridge itself has been fabricated and lifted into place, bridge abutments and centre pier have been completed, the south-east retaining wall constructed, drainage structures have been installed, all electrical duct banks have been placed, and the bridge operator’s kiosk has been built. Within the next two weeks, a concrete pad will be poured adjacent to the parking area, the new operator’s kiosk will be installed and new concrete stairs leading to the canal will be poured. The span drive cylinder, the main hydraulic component that helps to move the bridge, will be fabricated and ready for installation, in addition to other functional mechanical components for the bridge.

About the project
Parks Canada has announced over $615 million in investments into the locks, dams, bridges and other infrastructure along the Trent-Severn Waterway. This scale of investment hasn’t happened since the TSW was originally constructed, between 98 and 185 years ago.
The Brighton Road Swing Bridge spans the Murray Canal on County Road 64, connecting Prince Edward County and the Municipality of Quinte West. The bridge is being replaced with a new two lane swing bridge that will also have a pedestrian sidewalk, a full highway load rating eliminating the current restrictions for emergency and service vehicles, and upgraded mechanical and electrical features. The bridge was fabricated off-site and transported to the site in sections for re-assembly. The bridge abutments and centre pier are being rehabilitated to accommodate the new bridge.
The Brighton Road Swing Bridge spans the Murray Canal on County Road 64, connecting Prince Edward County and the Municipality of Quinte West. The bridge is being replaced with a new two lane swing bridge that will also have a pedestrian sidewalk, a full highway load rating eliminating the current restrictions for emergency and service vehicles, and upgraded mechanical and electrical features. The bridge was fabricated off-site and transported to the site in sections for re-assembly. The bridge abutments and centre pier are being rehabilitated to accommodate the new bridge.
To find out more
Parks Canada will continue to provide updates on the work. If you do not currently receive email updates about this work and would like to, please email us at: and include “Brighton Road Swing Bridge” in the subject heading. Information on this and other Trent-Severn projects can be found at Parks Canada’s website
Related links
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