Management planning
Green Gables Heritage Place
What is a management plan?
A management plan is a strategic guide required by legislation and approved by the President and Chief Executive Officer of Parks Canada. It is the primary accountability document for national parks and historic sites administered by Parks Canada and looks forward 10 to 15 years.
A management plan
- is strategic in nature, based on a long-term vision,
- ensures transparency,
- guides management decisions and actions at a Parks Canada administered place,
- serves as a key public accountability document for that place, and
- is developed through extensive consultation and input from various people and organizations, including Indigenous Peoples, community members, visitors and the public.
Consultation and public engagement
The management plan for Green Gables Heritage Place was prepared by Parks Canada with key stakeholders who have close, operational connections to the site.
Consulting with Canadians was the platform used for a nation-wide consultation process, inviting partners, stakeholders, and the public to provide input on the draft management plan.
Management Plan
The Management Plan sets clear strategic direction for the management and operation of Green Gables Heritage Place by articulating a vision, key strategies, and objectives.
Parks Canada will report on progress toward achieving the plan objectives and will review the plan every ten years or sooner, if required.
For more information on Green Gables Heritage Place, please visit our website or contact us by email at greengables@pc.gc.ca.
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