Planning ahead

Green Gables Heritage Place

Part of L.M. Montgomery's Cavendish National Historic Site, Green Gables Heritage Place commemorates the house and landscape that inspired renowned Canadian author L. M. Montgomery’s famous novel, Anne of Green Gables.

Here are 4 things to do before you arrive to make the most of your visit.

Pre-Arrival Checklist

  1. Coming with a large group? If you are planning to visit Green Gables with an organized group, please call us at 1-902-963-7874 or email at to tell us the size of your party. This helps us to provide you with the best possible experience. 

  2. Check out our hours of operation and program schedule. Call us for details at 1-902-963-7874 or email 

  3. Stay connected by following us on Facebook.

Bonus tips

  1. Want to dodge the crowds? Green Gables is busiest between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm in July and August. If you prefer a quieter time for your visit, consider coming to see us outside of these hours. 

  2. Arrive with an appetite. The Cordial Café located on site provides coffee and beverages, baked goods, Island-made ice cream, and more.

  3. Try the Victorian era on for size. Dress up in the Victorian clothing available on site and pose for a photo!

  4. Keep an eye out for unique artifacts. Inside the Green Gables house, be sure to ask our guides about unique items—like the wreath made of human hair in the parlour! The unconventional stove in the kitchen also draws lots of attention.

  5. Take in at least one interpretive program. From guided tours to butter-churning to musical ceilidhs to appearances of Anne of Green Gables herself, make sure that you take in at least one activity. There are daily offerings throughout the summer to help you better understand the world that L.M. Montgomery lived in.

  6. Immerse yourself in Anne’s world. Can’t get enough Anne? We sell access passes to the Site of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Cavendish Home on site.



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