Go with the flow: Be civic-minded!

Lachine Canal National Historic Site

Did you know that the banks of the Lachine Canal National Historic Site welcome more than 1 000 000 visitors in the summer? Pedestrians, cyclists and picnickers all share the narrow area along the canal. Our team makes every effort to make sure you have a pleasant visit. Get involved in conserving this environment by adopting good habits.

Go with the flow!

Don't overfill the garbage bins

Man throwing garbage in the garbage can

There is over a hundred garbage cans and numerous recycling bins along the Lachine Canal, that’s in addition to the nearby containers provided by the boroughs. Even though our team empties the garbage cans several times a week, they can fill up very quickly when the site is teeming with visitors.

If you come across a full garbage can, wait until you find one that has enough space for your waste, it won’t be far away! You can also take your waste home!

Pick up after your dog

Illustration of a woman walking with her dog on a leash

You and your dog are welcome at the canal if you keep your dog on a leash. Out of respect for your fellow citizens, please pick up after your pet and put its waste in the designated garbage cans. This way, you’ll show respect for other visitors, their pets and the environment!

Before you leave for your walk, make sure you have enough bags.

Share the path

Illustration of people on foot and on bicycles on the same trail

The paved canal's path is shared by thousands of cyclists, in-line skaters, walkers and runners. That’s why Parks Canada regularly inspects the path and makes sure the signage is clear.

To ensure a safe and enjoyable visit, we ask all users to respect the signage and use the lanes reserved for them.

Use the ashtrays

Illustration of a man smoking a cigarette while walking in a park

Did you know that, in cities like Montréal, cigarette butts make up about 30% of the litter left on the ground? Don’t let its size fool you: one tiny cigarette butt can pollute up to 500 litres of water and it’s toxic to various organisms.

Throw away your cigarette butt in an ashtray and avoid polluting our environment.

A flow of collaboration

To keep the canal as clean as possible, Parks Canada has been working with Groupe Pro-Vert since 2009. Every year, this collaboration makes it possible to organize several clean-up and graffiti-removal operations along the canal banks. It also mobilizes numerous volunteers and raises public awareness about these issues.

As well, to keep the canal as safe as possible, Parks Canada collaborates with the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal in outreach activities and interventions on our site. 

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