The Expo at CARTier-Brébeuf

Cartier-Brébeuf National Historic Site

Parks Canada is very proud to host once again this year, in partnership with the Laval University art school, an exhibition of works by emerging artists at the Cartier-Brébeuf national historic site. This exhibition will address the theme of the encounter. This exhibition will address the theme of diversity. The artists will be on site Saturday June 22 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. to meet the public. In the event of rain, the meeting will be postponed until 1 p.m. the following day. In addition, become apprentice artists with the collective mural, crafts for children and coffee.

Visit Cartier-Brébeuf National Historic Site in the summer of 2024 to discover up-and-coming artists in a place where nature and heritage come together.

the mini expo logo 

What : The Expo at CARTier-Brébeuf. Under the theme of diversity, discover the artworks of emerging artists in collaboration with the School of Art at Laval University

Date : June 22 to August 18, 2024

Cost : Free

Adress : Cartier-Brébeuf National Historic Site, 175 rue de l’Espinay (link to Google Maps

Note that this activity is suited for all ages. Families and children are welcome.


The Artists

Audrey Croteau 

Continent 1
Medium used: Collage, oil pastel on paper

On a base of recycled paper, multicolored scraps obtained through the creation of previous works, are intuitively glued and intertwined. From this abstract collage emerges an organic form, akin to that of a continent where all the scraps cohabit harmoniously, thanks to their differences.

Charlotte Larouche 

Point E
Medium used: Photograph of a sculpture

Point E is a feminist sculpture representing a point and the capital letter “e”, raising the issue of whether or not to capitalize words in the French language. The capital letter “e” and the sculpture's dimensions underline the importance of diversity in the written word.

Lauralie Fortin

Medium used: Silk-screen printing on plates 

For this childlike meal, the plates are adorned with childhood photos of each participant, who eat without fear of dirtiness. It's an opportunity for everyone to reappropriate the context of the meal, but also to bring together individuals with such multiple facets around the same table.  

Marie-Josée Gagné

Mediums used: Aluminum, wood, metal, plastic, paper, cardboard, wax, rope, plaster, wool, etc. 

By embracing diversity, we recognize the intrinsic value of every individual, whatever their origin, beliefs, or culture. Celebrating the strength and richness of difference opens society up to a more equitable and inclusive world. Isn't this the key to human evolution?

Sonia Plourde 

Best of Bestiaire
Medium used: Chromatic black ink lithograph, printed on warm gray BFK Rives paper

This lithograph presents parts of real or imaginary animals amalgamated into an improbable whole. What these varied elements have in common is their interdependence: their relevance comes from their diversity, and each would be meaningless without the presence of the others. We can imagine an infinite number of combinations arising from this ecosystem.

Samah Saidi

Medium used: Photography from video

Proprioceptions is originally a video sculpture in which shreds of moving skin are condensed into a digital screen. Inspired by the unprecedented interpersonal exchanges made possible by the Internet, the image reminds us of the anonymous nature of these encounters, where only fragments of our identity are revealed, and through which diversity emerges.

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