
Chambly Canal National Historic Site

According to Grandtner, the Chambly Canal sector is located in the climatic zone of the sugar maple-hickory stand. This means we can expect the natural plant covering the region to be dominated by the sugar maple ( Acer saccharum ), along with the hickory ( Carya sp. ), burr oak ( Quercus macrocarpa ), hornbeam ( Carpinus caroliniana ), American elm ( Ulmus americana ) and ash ( Fraxinus sp. ). Generally speaking, the Chambly Canal site has been extensively disturbed and displays virtually none of the original tree cover.

Most noticeable is the ornamental vegetation along the Chambly Canal and various sectors where the banks have been replanted in a natural manner. Reforestation consists mainly of pioneer varieties: Populus sp., Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Acer saccharinum, Ulmus sp., Acer negundo . Rare or endangered plant species can also be found as well as some interesting forest communities. These communities include a silver maple grove and the blue oak wood on Île Fryer. These tree populations have become rare in Quebec as a result of damp habitats being replaced by agricultural land. Species typically found in damp settings are only found in the Upper Richelieu region, due to the special soil and climatic conditions.

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