Management Plan Implementation Annual Update, 2020
Coteau-du-Lac National Historic Site

Table of contents
Title: Coteau-du-Lac National Historic Site — Management Plan Implementation Annual Update, 2020
Organization: Parks Canada Agency
The Coteau-du-Lac National Historic Site Management Plan, created in 2018, sets out the long-term strategy for the site as well as how the site is administered. The mandate of Parks Canada is to protect and present significant examples of Canada's natural and cultural heritage, and to foster public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of these places in ways that ensure their ecological and commemorative integrity for present and future generations.
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the site remained open, but with limited services from July to September. Free admission was offered to 16,670 visitors during this period.
The purpose of this annual update is to share 2020 achievements with partners, stakeholders and the public.
Key strategy 1: Turn the national historic site into a vital area of converence for the community and regional partners
Renew and expand our collaboration with stakeholders, Indigenous communities, and partners to organize activities and events that align with the site's vocation.
The historic site was a stopover on the "ExploreVS" bicycle rally whose goal is to help people discover the tourist treasures of the Vaudreuil-Soulanges region.
Integrate the national historic site into regional tourism development.
- The historic site has collaborated with the Association touristique régionale de Vaudreuil-Soulanges on various promotional initiatives, including a tourist information centre and participation in the tourism advisory committee.
- Parks Canada interpretation teams participated in two camping and archaeology workshops held in a Coteau-du-Lac park.
Key strategy 2: Promote the national historic site's significance as a heritage centre
Improve visitor reception, orientation, and flow.
New signs with regards to regulations have been installed in the park and updated on the website.
Improve the public's understanding of the site's heritage value and present the diversity of historical perspectives through interpretation services.
- Two self-guided tours have been added to the site's service offer.
- A new day camp program has been developed.
Work together with Indigenous communities with links to the national historic site in order to honour and showcase their culture and their contributions to the site's history.
Parks Canada is working with several First Nations to strengthen the presentation of Indigenous cultures and perspectives in the national historic sites of Western Quebec, including the Coteau-du -Lac National Historic Site.
Continue to ensure the protection of cultural resources.
The cultural resources are constantly monitored by the site team to ensure their good condition.
Conclusion — next steps
In the coming years, emphasis will be on developing new activities in collaboration with the community as well as maintaining various partnerships.
These initiatives will strengthen the site's vitality and reaffirm the commitment of Parks Canada to preserving and showcasing this important part of the country's history for the enjoyment of present and future generations.
In 2021, the national historic site will be open to the public. Sanitary measures will be put in place to ensure a safe visit. Parks Canada will continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and adjust the site's service selection as required.

Contact us
For more information about the management plan or about Coteau-du-Lac National Historic Site, please contact:
Coteau-du-Lac National Historic Site
308 A Chemin du Fleuve
Coteau-du-Lac, Quebec J0P 1B0
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