Get involved!
Coteau-du-Lac National Historic Site
Observing the environment around you is not only fun and rewarding, it is also one of the most effective ways to get involved in our conservation projects.
Share your observations on iNaturalist
In an effort to better understand the species at Coteau-du-Lac National Historic Site, we are counting on you, dear visitors! Your observations of the flora and fauna are invaluable to better plan our actions to protect the species. By downloading the iNaturalist app (Android iPhone) on a phone with a camera, you can share your observations with a community of enthusiasts and experts. See a plant that catches your eye or an insect you've never seen before while walking along the river? Take a picture and then add it to the app while specifying some key information. An expert will identify the species and you will contribute to the collection of essential data.
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