Sites of the Quebec Field Unit

Fortifications of Québec National Historic Site

The Quebec Field Unit is made up of a multitude of national historic sites, including five which are accessible to the public. Here they are with a brief description as well as a link to find out more.

Fortifications of Québec national historic site

Visiteurs souriant en face de la porte Saint-Louis à Québec.

The Fortifications of Québec National Historic Site recalls the rich military and social past of the Historic District of Old Québec, a UNESCO World Heritage jewel. Explore this unique place with Parks Canada, guardian of the fortifications. More information.

Saint-Louis Forts and Châteaux national historic site

Un groupe de visiteurs avec un guide de Parcs Canada regarde la glacière.

Hidden under the Dufferin Terrace, the remains of Château Saint-Louis reveal the seat of power of French and British governors from 1620 to 1834. Immerse yourself in more than 200 years of history of diplomatic relations and alliances, including those with the Nation Huron-Wendat. More information.

Grosse Île and the Irish Memorial national historic site

Vue des hôtels de 2e et de 3e classe et de la croix celtique à partir du quai à Grosse-Île.

Located in the middle of the St. Lawrence River, Grosse Île was Canada's main immigration gateway and served as a quarantine station for the Port of Quebec from 1832 to 1937. Follow the footsteps of tens of thousands of immigrants who landed on the island and see the beauty of this special place. More information.

Lévis Forts national historic site

Vue du champ de parade du fort Numéro-Un avec des canons.

Walk through the dark vaulted tunnels of Fort No.1 and discover this last British fortification erected on Canadian soil which bears witness to remarkable technological innovations. Costume your children then take advantage, in broad daylight, of the superb panorama with the family for a picnic. More information.

Cartier-Brébeuf national historic site

Vue sur la rivière Lairet, du parc urbain et de la structure métallique rappelant la Grande Hermine.

In the heart of Québec City, surrender yourself to the beauty and tranquility of this urban park. Follow the trail of Jacques Cartier, witness his meeting with the St. Lawrence Iroquois. Experience the excitement of family events and activities. Take the bike trail and go have picnic on the grass. More information.

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