The Expo at Lévis Forts

Lévis Forts National Historic Site

Parks Canada is very proud to host for the very first time this year, in collaboration with Cégep de Lévis arts department, an exhibition of works by emerging artists at Lévis Forts National Historic Site. For this first edition, the theme of the avant-garde is at the heart of the works presented.

Visit Fort No.1 this summer and discover up-and-coming artists in a place where nature and heritage come together.

 Cégep de Lévis écrit en noir et blanc.

What : The Expo at Lévis Forts. Under the theme of avant-garde, discover the artworks of emerging artists in collaboration with Cégep de Lévis.

Date : June 22 to October 14, 2024

Fees: Free

Adresse : Lévis Forts National Historic Site, 41 chemin du Gouvernement, Lévis (Québec)

Note that this activity is suited for all ages. Families and children are welcome.


The artists

Korine Roy 

Memento Mori
Medium used: Acrylic and gouache on canvas

Abstract work entitled "Memento mori", which means "Remember that you're going to die", is intended to raise awareness of the importance of living life to the full. In today's pressure-packed world, such thinking is avant-garde. The colors of t his painting (blue, yellow, red, green) invoke depth, joy, hope and passion.  

Léa Delisle  

Wandering serenity
Medium used: Acrylic on canvas 

Here we see a flower that feels out of place in her field of violets. She would so much like to feel at home. Her home is far up in the clouds, out of reach. So she remains in her sad position, feeling judged by everyone and by the sun. The further away her home is, the more she withers. Fleur is too sensitive. Fleur, it's just a dream.

Sarah-Jeanne Demers

Even Fear cries for Nature
Medium used: Oil painting on canvas and digital drawing

The work visually and emotionally explores Fear and Nature. It denounces environmental exploitation, prompting reflection on our collective responsibility. The face, reminiscent of a mask, is set against a solid orange background with digital brushstrokes of red distress and yellow hope.  

Seidy Noemy Cornejo

Worlds through the looking glass
Medium used: Acrylic paint on plywood board

Today, the world relies heavily on industry and capitalism. We forget that nature can bring us peace of mind. The antique look of the mirror in which we find a colorful landscape escaping allows us to be the first to see this other world to escape and blossom. 

Livia Bérubé et Charlotte Cadorette

Bubble Bath
Medium used: Acrylic on canvas

In this work, the different textures, colors and random shapes in the foreground break up the clean, linear character beneath. This creates a contrast between perfection and disorder, and reveals an avant-garde originality.. 

Julie Bélanger et Jade Morrissey

Breath of freedom
Medium used: Acrylic on canvas

The work is the result of technical experiments with cotton sponges. The avantgarde manifests itself in this unconventional way of painting. Our aim is to create a textured visual rendering that allows you to feel your own emotions through motifs and colors. The abstraction of the work is modulated by a harmonized variation of warm and cold colors. 

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