2022 Management Plan Implementation Annual Update
Obadjiwan–Fort Témiscamingue National Historic Site

Parks Canada manages one of the finest and most extensive networks of protected natural and historic sites in the world. The Agency’s mandate is to commemorate, protect and present these places for the benefit and enjoyment of current and future generations.
The Obadjiwan-Fort-Témiscamingue National Historic Site Management Plan, which came into effect in 2007, defines the long-term vision and guides the site's management. This Implementation Report presents Canadians with the actions and accomplishments Parks Canada has put in place in 2022 to achieve the vision, strategies, and objectives of the 2007 Management Plan.
Management Plan:
The preparation of the next management plan was initiated with the first meetings of the national historic site's Shared Governance Trust Committee.
Activities and events:
Ongoing collaboration with Les Amis du Vieux-Fort has been put forward for managing the historic site's shop, and for workshops on traditional crafts, with financial support from the Commission culturelle du Témiscamingue.
A number of events were held to promote the site in cooperation with key players in the region, including a cultural activity presented in partnership with the Timiskaming First Nation on Indigenous Peoples' Day on June 21, Canada Day, with its musical performances; the Rendez-vous des voyageurs, with a re-enactment of a travellers' camp, and the activity presented during the Foire gourmande de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, featuring a tasting of pizzas baked in the site's traditional bread oven.
Cultural heritage:
Two archaeological chimney remains were restored by a Parks Canada team specializing in heritage masonry. The initial restoration phase was also started on the old workshop. Work will continue next year.
Visitor numbers:
Visitor numbers are in line with the average for the last 10 years, but have fallen compared to the exceptional year 2021, from 9,779 visitors in 2021 to 7,000 in 2022. This drop was also observed at several other tourist sites in the region, and can be explained by a return to normal visitor numbers.
Partnerships and collaboration:
Partnerships with various community players to present the site demonstrate their sense of belonging to the site, particularly among the First Nations, who are holding more meetings on site.
The first meetings of the site's Shared Governance Trust Committee concern the strengthening of ties between the Timiskaming First Nation, the tourism and cultural community of Temiskaming and Parks Canada, with the aim of managing the national historic site.
The Parks Canada Agency is proud of its 2022 achievements at the Obadjiwan-Fort-Témiscamingue National Historic Site. Efforts to enrich the service offer, active collaboration with partners and integration of the site into the region all contribute to promoting the heritage of Obadjiwan-Fort-Témiscamingue and Parks Canada's mandate.
In the coming year, the site will continue to work within the framework of shared governance to support site promotion, attract more visitors, and preserve an enhance this important part of our country's history for the benefit of current and future generations.

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