Available locations for your event

Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site

The Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site can host your event or activity during the operating season. Visit our Organizing an event or activity page for more information. Please note that applications for any other location may be considered.

Darvard Island

More details
  • Grassed area for activities
  • Parking and toilets nearby
  • Electricity available
  • Boat launch

1 282m2

Possible use
  • Music, stage and/or sound system (with limitation)
  • Sales kiosks
  • Food services
  • Tents and heavy equipment*
  • Sports activities on the banks
  • Group classes
  • Filming

*All tent and tent locations must be confirmed. Their anchoring to the ground may be excluded and a load limitation may be required.



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Bank, Saint-Ours Side

More details
  • Grassed area for activities
  • Parking and toilets nearby
  • Boat launch
Area 2 519m2
Possible use
  • Sales kiosks
  • Food services
  • Tents and heavy equipment*
  • Sports activities on the banks
  • Group classes
  • Filming

*All tent and tent locations must be confirmed. Their anchoring to the ground may be excluded and a load limitation may be required.


Chemin des Patriotes.

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Saint-Roch Garden

More details
  • Grassed area for activities
  • Parking and toilets nearby
Area 4 655m2
Possible use
  • Sales kiosks
  • Food services
  • Tents and heavy equipment*
  • Sports activities on the banks
  • Group classes
  • Filming

*All tent and tent locations must be confirmed. Their anchoring to the ground may be excluded and a load limitation may be required.


Saint-Jean-Baptiste Street.

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