Press Releases

Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site


Temporary closure of access to dam deck

SAINT-OURS, QUEBEC, July 2, 2024 – Parks Canada will commence maintenance work on the dam at the Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site which will result in the complete closure of access to the dam deck between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. weekdays from August 12 to October 15, 2024. The dam will be accessible to users in the evenings and on weekends throughout the duration of the work. Cyclists will be asked to dismount their bikes. 

Sector Gate No. 1 of the dam will be dry-docked to allow the team to undertake maintenance tasks including pumping out accumulated sediment in the gate, cleaning and painting the gate, and replacing seals. This work is necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the dam and the Vianney-Legendre fishway. 

Public safety is a priority for Parks Canada and all work is planned to ensure the safety of visitors and workers. Parks Canada asks all users of the Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site to pay extra attention to the signage in place. 

For more information about this National Historic Site, visit the Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site website

Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site officially kicks off its 2024 boating season!

MONTRÉAL, QUEBEC, Mai 17, 2024 – Beginning today, the Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site is pleased to welcome boaters for the 2024 boating season. This morning, the Parks Canada team was happy to welcome the first boaters of the season! 

The first boaters of the season at the Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site!

Whether they’re looking for adventure, fun for the whole family, a chance to explore nature and history, or a break from everyday life, the historic canals administered by Parks Canada in Quebec offer countless fun and unique experiences to suit every visitor’s and boater’s needs.

Should you wish to learn more about the historic canals, please consult the Parks Canada Historic canals and waterways Website and follow us on Facebook @QCCanals.

Spread the word, and enjoy the 2024 navigational season!


Reminder to the public: Magnet Fishing is prohibited in all historic canals administered by Parks Canada 

MONTRÉAL, QUEBEC, July 7, 2023 – Magnet fishing is a growing practice. Although perceived as a means of voluntary environmental clean-up, this activity is strictly prohibited in all historic canals administered by Parks Canada.

Under the Historic Canal Regulations (sections 3 and 11.2), the removal of any object from a historic canal is not permitted at any time without first obtaining a permit. 

At first glance, while the objective of removing objects from the canals may seem commendable, this practice poses a greater risk to the environment and to visitor safety than simply leaving the objects in place. Stirring up the bottom of the canals can not only disturb aquatic habitats but can also release contaminated sediments in sites that have a significant industrial past. Participants may be exposed to the handling of dangerous objects such as weapons or other sharp objects, as well as potentially contaminated elements.                                             

Historic canals are made up of various structures whose integrity can also be affected by the practice of this activity. In addition to bridges and footbridges, the canals include weirs and siphons, water, and electrical conduits, and potential archaeological remains that could be damaged or destroyed by the practice of magnetic fishing. Parks Canada's mandate is to protect and conserve cultural and natural resources. Consequently, such an activity cannot be authorized and anyone found in non-compliance could be subject to a fine.

Lachine Canal National Historic Site officially kicks off its 2023 boating season!

SAINT-OURS, Quebec, May 19, 2023 – The Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site is pleased to welcome boaters for the 2023 boating season. This morning, the Parks Canada team was happy to welcome the first boaters of the season!

Groupe de personnes sur un quai à l'intérieur d'une écluse
First boaters of the season at the Saint-Ours Canal


Whether they’re looking for adventure, fun for the whole family, a chance to explore nature and history, or a break from everyday life, the historic canals administered by Parks Canada in Quebec offer countless fun and unique experiences to suit every visitor’s and boater’s needs.

Should you wish to learn more about the historic canals, please consult the Parks Canada Website and follow us on Facebook @QCCanals.

Spread the word, and enjoy the 2023 navigational season!

Parks Canada Reservations Launching In March 2023

Quebec, February 20, 2023 – Parks Canada knows that Canadians are eager to confirm their travel plans for 2023 and want to make their camping reservations as soon as possible. Parks Canada will be launching reservations for the 2023 visitor season in mid-March until early April. Launch dates for national historic sites, national parks and national marine conservation areas vary by location. Visit the following web page to confirm the launch dates and times for Parks Canada destinations across the country:


For Parks Canada administered places in Quebec, reservations will open on March 15, 2023, at 8 a.m. E.T.  Campsites and roofed accommodations at Forillon National Park, La Mauricie National Park, Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve and Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site will be available for reservation. 

As well as booking on-line through the Parks Canada Reservation Service, visitors can make reservations by calling 1-877-RESERVE (1-877-737-3783) anytime on March 15 or after. 


Vegetation Intervention

SAINT-OURS, Quebec, December 12, 2022 – Parks Canada wishes to inform the public that 11 dead ash trees will soon be cut down at the Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site. Located on Darvard Island, these dead trees must be removed to ensure the safety of site users.

Parks Canada is initiating various activities to revitalize and preserve the Saint-Ours Canal’s vegetation. This includes implementing a re-planting plan. On November, 14 trees and 8 shrubs were planted on site (oaks, red maples, yellow birches, lilacs, elderberries, viburnums and cedars). Selected vegetation is planted in locations that are deemed suitable to ensure optimal growth and do not pose a risk to the integrity of the site and of the canal elements.

Parks Canada takes a number of criteria into consideration when selecting vegetation types or tree species, such as life expectancy, resilience to the site conditions (pollution, drought, soil compaction, etc.), existing flora and fauna, diversity, the specific nature of the area, root system and aesthetics. Parks Canada recognizes that the tree canopy and extensive greenery are important elements of the Saint-Ours Canal and will continue to implement various measures to re plant trees and restore vegetation to preserve the natural beauty of this heritage site.

Young sport fishers in action!

Parks Canada Agency and the Fondation de la faune du Québec introduce young people to sport fishing

Saint-Ours, July 5, 2022 — On Saturday, August 6 at the Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site, Parks Canada will welcome 20 young people for a day-long initiation into sport fishing as part of the Young Sport Fishers' Program activities. With the support of Canadian Tire, its main partner, and the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP), this program promotes the next generation of sport fishers.

This Parks Canada activity, which is already sold out, was selected as one of the best projects for coaching and training young anglers. With the authorization of the MFFP, each young person will receive a Young Sport Fisher certificate, which will serve as a fishing licence until they turn 18.

During the 2022 summer season, the Fondation expects to reach close to 16,500 new enthusiasts, notably through local organizations that offer Young Sport Fishers introductory activities including quality training on fishing, safety, regulations, habitat and fish biology, followed by a fishing period supervised by qualified resources. Since its inception in 1997, the Young Sport Fishers' Program has introduced more than 320,000 youth to fishing.

After a two-year hiatus, we are pleased to be able to offer the Young Sport Fishers' Program in an updated format that is accessible to more youth. Thank you to Parks Canada Agency for ensuring that the next generation of anglers is introduced to sport fishing through their activities and training,

Jean-Claude D’Amours
Chief Executive Officer of the Fondation de la faune du Québec.

The Young Sport Fishers' Program is a presentation of the Fondation de la faune du Québec, with the support of its main partner, Canadian Tire.

About us

The mission of the Fondation de la faune du Québec is to enhance and promote conservation of wildlife and its habitat. Thanks to the contribution of more than one million hunters, fishers and trappers in Quebec, thousands of donors and numerous private companies, the Fondation has been supporting more than 2,000 organizations throughout Quebec since 1987, creating a true wildlife movement.

Team Up and Help Us Clean Up the Shorelines of the Chambly Canal!

Borrow your cleaning kit now

Chambly, Quebec, June 6 – Parks Canada is proud to support the "Team Up and Clean Up the Shoreline" program, a national initiative to keep Canada's shorelines free of litter, including plastic waste that can remain in the environment for up to 1,000 years. Two of Parks Canada's historic canals in Quebec have been selected to participate in this year's program: the Lachine and Chambly canals will welcome volunteers throughout the summer who would like to contribute to the cleanliness of their favourite canal by lending them the necessary equipment to pick up litter.

Interested parties can request their cleaning kit from Parks Canada staff at Locks 1, 2, 3 or 9. Each set contains a bucket, a pair of gloves, a clipboard, a data sheet, a pencil and a scale. Be sure to bring a first aid kit, hand sanitizer and sunscreen! After their collection, participants must keep track of the litter they have collected using a tracking form that will be provided to them. Collecting data amplifies the long-term impact of actions taken; this valuable information helps Parks Canada identify and mitigate sources of canal-side litter. Kits are available in limited quantities.

Through this simple act, volunteers will participate in citizen science and contribute to marine litter research. Together, we will help make the shorelines safer for both wildlife and humans.

Launch of the Boating Season at

First boaters of the 2022 season at the Saint-Ours Canal Historic Site
First boat of the season at the Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site! ©Parks Canada

Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site

Saint-Ours, May 20, 2022 – The warm weather is finally here! It’s the perfect time to head back outside and reconnect with the places we love!

Today, the Parks Canada’s team was happy to welcome the first boat of the 2022 season at the Saint-Ours Canal National Historic Site.

Looking for a vacation destination for the summer? Think oTENTik!

oTENTik accommodation at the Saint-Ours Canal
oTENTik at Saint-Ours Canal NHS. © Parks Canada

It’s still possible to reserve your stay in an oTENTik accommodation at the Saint-Ours Canal; there are still a few availabilities for the summer! Whether you want to try out this exclusive type of ready-to-camp accommodation offered in Parks Canada locations or simply want a little getaway not too far from home, Parks Canada staff will be happy to welcome you on the banks of the Richelieu River. Ready to relax? Make a reservation now!

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