Protected Area Establishment

Funding for Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreement Implementation, Nunavut

A strategic environmental assessment was conducted for the Funding for Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreement Implementation proposal pursuant to the 2010 “Cabinet Directive on the Environmental Assessment of Policy, Plan and Program Proposals” (CEA Agency/Privy Council Office 2010). Strategic environmental assessments provide an opportunity to identify the broad and unintended impacts of proposed management actions resulting from a proposed policy, plan or program, including the cumulative environmental effects of multiple activities. Strategic environmental assessment also informs the subsequent assessment of related projects.

This strategic environmental assessment was initiated early in the planning process to ensure that the environmental effects of the proposal were fully considered.

The proposal seeks funding to continue to meet the obligations of the Inuit Impact and Benefits Agreements (IIBAs) for Auyuittuq, Sirmilik, Quttinirpaaq, and Ukkusiksalik National Parks. The funds will enable continued Inuit implementation of the current Agreements. The Baffin National Parks IIBA (Auyuittuq, Sirmilik, and Quttinirpaaq) has been negotiated to be of indefinite duration and may be terminated only if both parties consent. The Ukkusiksalik National Park IIBA shall be reviewed at five-year intervals and re-negotiated after the third review, i.e. after 2018. Both IIBAs are still in effect.

The expected outcome is continued protection and awareness of Parks Canada’s protected areas in the Nunavut Settlement Area and collaborative management of these protected areas, with the goals to support the conservation of ecological integrity, engage partners and stakeholders in the protection and presentation of Parks Canada’s administered places, and enhance visitor experience. The proposal also fulfills a legal requirement under the NLCA to implement the IIBAs related to national parks in the Nunavut Settlement Area.

The project will have neutral or positive effects on the natural and cultural resources and visitor experience opportunities of Auyuittuq, Sirmilik, Quttinirpaaq, and Ukkusiksalik national parks and it will have neutral or positive socio-economic effects that will enhance and protect the existing and future well-being of affected communities in the Nunavut Settlement Area. 

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