Frequently Asked Questions for Lake Louise Ski Area Long-Range Plan

Banff National Park

Q. What is the Lake Louise Ski Area Long-Range Plan?
A. A Long-Range Plan is a document prepared by the ski area that describes the specific project proposals, or change-in-use proposals, that a ski area aspires to implement over a specified period of time (anticipated to be from 8 to 12 years). The Long-Range Plan must be consistent with the approved Site Guidelines.

The Long-Range Plan is subject to an Indigenous and public participation review and an environmental assessment consistent with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 2012 and Parks Canada policy. Each Long-Range Plan must be approved by the Minister responsible for Parks Canada prior to plan implementation.

Following the approval of a Long-Range Plan, the ski area can advance specific projects for development approval.

The ski area can prepare any number of Long-Range Plans (and associated environmental assessments), based on the Site Guidelines, until maximum build-out is reached, as defined by the permanent, negotiated growth limits of the Site Guidelines.

Q. What are the Lake Louise Ski Area Site Guidelines?
A. The Lake Louise Ski Area Site Guidelines, developed by Parks Canada in collaboration with the Lake Louise Ski Area, are an important achievement in creating long term certainty for Banff National Park and the Lake Louise Ski Area. The site guidelines include major gains in conservation, visitor experience and education for one of Canada’s most iconic winter destinations.

The Site Guidelines provide the Lake Louise Ski Area with a blueprint for potential long-term growth, building on their already successful summer and winter programs, and connecting visitors to the unique heritage and sense of place in Banff National Park. 

Q. What is the Status of Planning at the Lake Louise Ski Area? 
A. Lake Louise Ski Area submitted a draft of the first Long-Range Plan under the 2015 Site Guidelines. The Lake Louise Ski Area also prepared a detailed impact analysis of the Long Range Plan, based on the 2018 Terms of Reference provided by Parks Canada. Public consultation on the draft Long-Range Plan and Detailed Impact Assessment will occurred from January to April, 2019.

Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, and Minister responsible for Parks Canada, approved the Lake Louise Ski Area Long Range Plan in August 2019. The final approved Long Range Plan is available on the Lake Louise Ski Area website.

Q. What is currently proposed in the Long-Range Plan?
A. A number of projects are proposed, all of which are consistent with the Site Guidelines and include a significant reduction of the ski area’s lease. Projects proposed include:

  • Construction of water reservoirs at the Old Gondola Base adjacent to the Pipestone River, and near Corral Creek in the Temple area
  • Expansion of Temple Lodge
  • New lifts and ski terrain on Richardson's Ridge
  • New mountain top lodge on Eagle Ridge
  • New day lodge and expansion of existing lodge in the base area
  • New lifts and ski terrain on the front-side of Whitehorn Mountain
  • New warming hut near the upper terminal of Top-of-the-World lift
  • Development of access and egress routes in West Bowl
  • Expansion of snowmaking system through potential use of groundwater
  • Redevelopment of parking areas at the base

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