Obey speed limits
Banff National Park
To protect this special place, we obey speed limits. Slow down to protect wildlife and others on the road. When driving in Banff National park, always obey the posted speed limits and be aware of the road conditions.
While highway fencing and wildlife crossings and have reduced wildlife-vehicle collisions in Banff National Park by more than 80%, wildlife deaths on the road still occur. Obey the posted speed limits, which vary depending on the locations in the park, and share the road with people cycling and others who may be using the space. Slow down and enjoy your time travelling in the park, and keep our wildlife safe.
An aerial shot of mountains in Banff National Park.
Banff National Park: this place is special.
It’s alive, wild, and interconnected.
It’s thriving… yet fragile.
To protect this special place, we follow speed limits.
This place belongs to the wildlife that call it home.
Slow down to protect wildlife, and others on the road.
Your actions matter.
When you leave Banff National Park...
On screen animation that reads "Slow down".
Leave it wild.
Hashtag Wildlife Rules. Protect this special place, Banff National Park appears on screen.
Website URL: www.parkscanada.gc.ca/wildliferules
Seeing wildlife on the road:
If you see wildlife by the road, slow down, stay in your vehicle and move on. If you choose to stop:
- Be aware of the traffic around you.
- Pull over where safe to do so.
- Turn on hazard lights.
- Stay in your vehicle.
- Watch for a few moments, take a quick photo, and then more on.
- If a wildlife jam develops, move on. It is unsafe for people and wildlife.
Your actions matter! When you leave Banff National Park… leave it wild.

How did the bear, cougar, and elk cross the road safely in Banff National Park?
Learn more about how animals cross the road safely in Banff National Park.
It is illegal to feed, entice or disturb any wildlife in a national park. Violators will be charged, be required to appear in court, and could pay fines up to $25 000.
Please report bear, cougar, wolf and coyote sightings and encounters to Banff Dispatch: 403-762-1470
Important links
Current wildlife warnings and closures
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