Maligne Valley Planning Process

Jasper National Park

UPDATE: September 2016

Situation Analysis | Discussion Paper | Action Plan | Photo gallery of Maligne Valley

What is the Maligne Valley Action Plan?

The Maligne Valley Action Plan outlines actions that will guide Parks Canada’s work in the valley over the next 5 to 10 years. It builds on the direction in the Jasper National Park Management Plan concerning this iconic destination.

Phase One: Maligne Valley Situation Analysis

Two phases of public and Indigenous engagement contributed to the development of the Maligne Valley Action Plan. The first step in the planning process was to document the current situation in the valley, and opportunities and challenges, in a situation analysis. The following backgrounders provide summaries of the information captured in the situation analysis:

In November 2013, Parks Canada released the Maligne Valley Situation Analysis for public and Indigenous review. The following documents summarize the feedback Parks Canada received regarding the Situation Analysis:

Phase Two: Maligne Valley Discussion Paper

In October 2014, Parks Canada released a discussion paper on the Maligne Valley that contained proposed actions to address the opportunities and challenges identified in the first phase of the planning process.

Parks Canada received comments on the contents of the Maligne Valley Implementation Strategy Discussion Paper that provided Parks Canada with priorities for changes and improvements to valley facilities, and for conservation or restoration of ecological values.

Final Maligne Valley Action Plan

The final Maligne Valley Action Plan focuses on renewing visitor infrastructure and facilities in the valley, and maintaining or restoring ecological integrity. We considered the feedback we received from the public, Indigenous communities and key stakeholders as we evaluated and refined the proposed actions presented in the Discussion Paper. Implementation of some of the actions outlined in this plan has already begun. Other initiatives will be funded as resources become available and will be prioritized in the context of other Jasper National Park facilities, programs and services.

Maligne Valley Planning Area Map

Maligne Valley Situation Analysis Map 

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