Architectural Motif Guidelines for the Town of Jasper
Jasper National Park
Prepared for the Canadian Parks Service by Latimer Hiscock Architects March 1993
Amended December 15, 1997
Amended May 3, 2021
Amended October, 2024
Canadian Parks Service and Latimer Hiscock Architects would like to acknowledge the valuable assistance given by members of the Jasper Town Committee, the Jasper School Board and the Jasper Chamber of Commerce.
The impetus for the Guidelines comes directly from their concerns, suggestions, and recommendations.
Architectural Guidelines for the Town of Jasper
1.0 Introduction
Parks Canada has a mandate to preserve and protect Jasper National Park for the enjoyment of future generations. In keeping with this mandate, developments in Jasper must be of a high design standard, harmonizing with both the surrounding mountain environment and the rich context of historical buildings that are a vital part of Jasper's past, present and future. These Guidelines were developed with the participation of the Jasper community, as well as Parks Canada. They are meant to advance the goal of high quality development, sensitive to the natural surroundings.
Jasper's character as a mountain town was established early in its building history. Because of concern with Jasper's place in the natural environment, controls on development have been in effect right from the start. During the pre-war years Park authorities took a hands-on approach in maintaining standards building design submissions were often reworked by Parks personnel to substantially alter their appearance. Since then, guidelines, written policies and defined development requirements have replaced the earlier arbitrary approaches. To assist in the process of submitting and reviewing building design proposals, Jasper Townsite Architectural and Environmental Guidelines were developed in 1979. In response to the need for more specific guidelines, this document replaces those earlier Guidelines.
Jasper faces increasing development pressures. Everyone involved - developers, designers, the citizens of Jasper and the Canadian Parks Service – need an easily understood set of rules. The Architectural Motif Guidelines are meant to fulfill this need.
1.1 Objectives and Guidelines
The Guidelines:
- State desirable design features that are expected of new developments and redevelopment in Jasper.
- Control the quality of new developments by providing common, easily understood standards to evaluate proposals.
- Strengthen Jasper’s image as a well-designed mountain community.
1.2 Using the Guidelines
1.2.1 The Organization of the Guidelines
The Guidelines use the historical architectural context of Jasper as a basis. New buildings must nestle gracefully into the existing architectural setting and respect neighbours and natural environment. Jasper has many important historical buildings such as the Park Information Building, the CN Station, The Post Office, and the CIBC Bank. There is also a large stock of more modest buildings – houses, simple commercial buildings and rustic accommodation – which provide a strong context for new developments. Historic structures teach us much about how new buildings can be comfortable within the mountain setting.
Chapter 2, on the Historic Architectural Context, presents an analysis of what traditionally makes a building suitable for Japer.
Chapter 3, containing the Guidelines, is broken into four sections:
- 3.1 Standards for All Developments
These guidelines apply to all new developments and redevelopment, no matter what type. - 3.2 Standards for Residential Developments
These apply to all residential buildings, including single family, duplexes, row houses, apartments, and additions to existing residences. Residential units that are part of a mixed use development in the commercial town centre – staff housing over shops for instance are controlled by Standards for Town Centre Developments. - 3.3 Standards for Town Centre Developments
These guidelines apply to commercial and mixed use developments in the town center (Connaught / Patricia area), including retail, office, downtown hotels, and residential components of mixed-use developments. - 3.4 Standards for Tourist Commercial Developments
These guidelines apply to the hotel and motel areas at either end of town. They also apply to freestanding buildings (such as restaurants and service stations) that occur in these areas. Hotels and tourist accommodation that are part of the Town Centre will be controlled by Standards for Town Centre Developments.
These categories were chosen to make it easier to design and evaluate a particular type of development. The three categories of developments correspond not only to common building types, but also logically relate to the major zoning categories and specific areas of Jasper.
Inevitably there will be developments, such as schools and hospitals, which cannot easily be put into any one of these categories. The applicant should consult with Parks Canada if unclear about which guidelines apply to a proposed development. As a guide, the following table gives examples of building types and appropriate guidelines.
Building Type | Applicable Guidelines |
Daycares | Guidelines for All Developments, plus Residential Guidelines |
Convenience stores in Residential areas | Guidelines for All Developments, plus Residential Guidelines |
Convenience stores in Tourist Commercial areas | Guidelines for All Developments, plus Tourist Commercial areas |
Schools, Churches and other Institutional buildings | Guidelines for All Developments |
Buildings in Block S (services buildings) | Guidelines for All Developments, plus policies specifically set for this area. |
Guidelines for each of the categories of building types are divided into subsections dealing with specific design issues. A given design issue is identified by stating an "Objective," accompanied by one or more "Guidelines."
1.2.2 When do they apply?
The Guidelines apply to all new developments and redevelopments within the townsite, whether privately or publicly sponsored. In this document, no distinction is made whether a development is a new development or a redevelopment —the terms are used interchangeably. Any time approval is required from Parks Canada for new development, these Guidelines apply. The Guidelines deal with outdoor spaces and the exterior of buildings; they do not address the design of building interiors.
1.2.3 Enforcement, Relaxations and Appeals
New developments will be expected to meet or exceed the requirements of the Guidelines. Nevertheless, the Guidelines are not intended to discourage creative solutions or innovative architecture. If designers can demonstrate that their project meets the intent or objective of a guideline, the proposed solution may well be acceptable, even though it doesn't meet the guideline requirements per se. The Guidelines are not meant to be rigid, inflexible rules but they are meant to establish a minimum standard of quality for new developments. In short, relaxations from the Guidelines will only be considered if alternate solutions are proposed that meet the stated objectives.
1.2.4 Relationship to Other Approval Documents
The Architectural Motif Guidelines are only one of several approval documents controlling new development in Jasper. These should be read in conjunction with the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy, applicable impact assessment requirements, and applicable regulations under the Canada National Parks Act.
As well, other policy documents and regulations may apply in specific cases. Persons contemplating building in Jasper should consult with Parks Canada at an early stage.
2.0 Historical Architectural Context
2.1 The Evolution of Jasper's Architecture
Jasper was born of two forces—the railway and tourism. Each had its own effect on local building style. The railway, helped promote tourism to the remote wilderness area, but was mainly concerned with the utilitarian aspects of moving freight and servicing the needs of railway workers. Residences, stores and community facilities designed for the railway worker community were generally straightforward and unpretentious. Wilderness tourism, on the other hand, produced buildings with a distinctive "Rocky Mountain" look. They appealed to romantic visions of the Rockies.
To this day, these two forces continue to shape the local architecture.
The influence of the Railway
In 1910, the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway began construction through Jasper Forest Park, and the town of Jasper was born. Fitzhugh, later renamed Jasper, was chosen as the Divisional Point and remains to this day an important CN servicing centre – about one sixth of Jasper’s population is employed by the railway.
The earliest buildings were tent encampments and shacks built for railway workers. These were replaced within three years by permanent homes. As in any small western town, banks, churches, shops, hotels, and community buildings soon sprang up to service the needs of the workers. Many of these buildings were designed to serve the burgeoning tourist trade as well, but in general they were simple modest structures. This tradition of simplicity and straightforward design is worthy of inclusion in present day buildings.
The Influence of Tourism
Almost concurrently with the establishment of Jasper as a “railway town”, the federal government designated Jasper as a service and administration headquarters for the surrounding park. Within three years of Jasper becoming a railway divisional point, resident Park Superintendent Colonel Rogers arrived from Ottawa, with a mandate to create a well designed community, at home with the surrounding natural beauty.
Tourists were eager to visit this newly-accessible area, and arrived by trainloads to explore the wilderness and experience the Canadian Rockies. Superintendent Colonel Rogers was determined that new buildings in Jasper would harmonize with the mountain environment. Clearly, Jasper was destined to become more than a railway town.
This led to a very different kind of architecture. The original Park Administration Building built in 1913, now the Park Information Centre, illustrates this difference. Compared to previous largely utilitarian railway buildings, it consciously styled itself to fit into the unique Canadian Rocky Mountain setting. Between 1913 and 1934, under the strict guidance of superintendent Rogers, Jasper transformed itself from a humble collection of shacks into a town with a strong architectural connection to its surroundings.
One architect in particular – Alfred M. Calderon – was responsible for many significant buildings during this period. The Park Information Centre, the Anglican Church, the CIBC bank and the Jasper Camera and Gifts store are examples of his work.
A Mixture of Styles
Jasper architecture during this period was rooted in the "picturesque" style. This somewhat eclectic style derived from English manor-house architecture of the late 19th century. Emanating from the Tudor Revival popular in the 20's and 30's, the style is characterized by stucco exteriors with mock half-timbering, steep roofs and stone or brickwork. Buildings were to fit in as one element in the landscape, not stand alone. In the Jasper context, this style was heavily modified by the use of "rustic" elements— uncut fieldstone, peeled log beams, posts, and cedar shingles. Added to this was the influence of other styles popular throughout Alberta at the time— noticeably the Craftsman style of house emanating from California and the remnants of the Arts and Crafts style originating in England. Out of this mix came what might be called the "Rocky Mountain Picturesque" style. It is characterized by
- extensive use of local materials on the building exterior (logs, stone, wood shingles, stucco)
- field stone (glacial boulders and rounded river rock) set in mortar, used as stairs, walls, chimneys and landscaping walls
- simple steep-pitched roof forms
- extensive use of gable and shed dormers
- imitation half-timber stucco treatment for exterior walls, especially gable ends and second storey walls of commercial buildings
- double-hung windows, often with smaller-panes grouped over a larger lower pane
- exposed rafter ends
This Rocky Mountain Picturesque style is perhaps Jasper’s “truest” style, it is firmly rooted in forms typical of the region and has strong historical connotations. Jasper, however, - like all towns – was not immune from poplar styles of the day. Connaught Drive has examples of Early commercial and Boomtown storefronts built between 1915 and 1940 that are typical of all western Canadian towns. Much of the housing that was constructed in the 60’s and 70’s is typical of styles and forms prevalent throughout Canada at the time.
The Influence of Fire
Following the significant impacts of the 2024 Jasper Wildfire on the townsite, the Land Use Policy and Architectural Motif for Jasper were updated to address the needs of Jasper as a modern tourism destination located in the Wildland Urban Interface. This update included reconsideration of the materials and building forms in Jasper in light of emergent needs in the community. These changes address not just the risk of wildfires but broader issues of climate resilience and housing availability that have become pre-eminent in civic discourse in recent years.
Overall, the desire to maintain Jasper’s iconic architectural style has been upheld although significant updates were made to reduce the risk of future wildfires. Other changes have been made to better allow the opportunity for more housing availability and allow for implementation of more climate resilient building designs. Despite the changes, the overall objective that “The Building is Part of the Landscape, Not Separate from it” remains and continues to guide the development vision in Jasper.
2.2 Defining a Mountain Architecture of Jasper
What makes a building fit within Jasper?
What might be called “Mountain Architecture” is not so much a style as a series of building characteristics. Together they define what fits well into Jasper and the Canadian Rockies. The best examples of Mountain Architecture are undeniably “of” the mountains. The buildings not only belong to the mountain setting, they in fact help define it. Their characteristics are common to a wide range of building types: single family homes, lodges, commercial and institutional buildings.
The building is a part of the landscape, not separate from it
Compared to urban building forms, buildings in rural settings – particularly wilderness settings – are more directly rooted in their surroundings. This is shown in several ways:
- Building materials appear to be of local origin
- Wood and stone relate directly to the surrounding natural environment. Heavy timber – especially when stained or left to weather naturally – visually connect with the forested surroundings. Cut stone, rubble, and dry pack stone express a natural direct link with the mountain sides. Rounded river stones and glacial boulders connect with the rivers and glacial forces of long ago.
- Brick and stucco are less obvious examples, but still maintain strong connections to the land. Stucco exhibits the sand colorations and textures of the soil. Brick, made from clay, was traditionally manufactured near building sites to reduce shipping costs.
- The need for building materials to appear local in origin factors the use of wood, stone, stucco, and brick. However, fire protection, technical considerations and economics dictate that newer modern-day materials may be used as well. Asphalt shingles and aluminum or vinyl clad windows are examples. Commercial and institutional buildings in particular require the expanded vocabulary of newer, technically advanced materials.
- Building materials are used in their natural, honest – almost raw – form.
- Logs are used as exposed structural members. Timbers are exposed, and often finished naturally. Stone appears as cobbles, split rock or rubble, rather than even blocks of sawn ashlar.
- This maxim is broken for relative late-comers in the Mountain Architecture vocabulary. Aluminum appears out of place in its shiny unanodized state but is viewed as more acceptable if toned down by dark anodizing (coloring). Concrete looks more natural if colored or textures. Vinyl and aluminum siding are less costly than real wood siding, and can deceive the eye from a distance. Close up, however, both are obviously artificial.
- The building is second to the setting.
- Good mountain architecture is distinctive and of substance. It is not bland. Nevertheless, it does not compete with or dominate its natural surroundings. Buildings are typically built on the side of a hill or in a valley, rather than on top, for instance. The buildings make way for the trees and streams, not the other way around.
Mountain Architecture uses simple, strong forms
Complex buildings with numerous level changes, variable roof pitches and a mix of several exterior finishes appear out of place in a mountain setting. This does not imply building forms which are simple “boxes”. Elements such as porches, gables, bay windows, and “add-on” rooms can create interest to both exterior surfaces as well as interior spaces. Elements are added on to a basic shape, not subtracted from it.
Mountain architecture creates a sense of enclosure
Shelter and warmth were important traditional characteristics of mountain buildings. New mountain buildings can create this feeling of intimate interior spaces. This can be accomplished by:
- providing a clearly defined entry into a building, (by way of an air lock, lobby or special doorway) which creates a distinct transitional change of environment from outdoors to indoors,
- providing punched or framed formal windows, not continuous or strip windows. (This is especially applicable to commercial buildings and,
- detailing the wall structure in a massive and substantial way.
Jasper is not the place for "curtain wall" exterior building treatments. New mountain buildings should incorporate characteristics which enhance the experience of the mountain setting. Mountain buildings do not lend themselves to large expanses of skylight, strip windows and "curtain wall" aesthetics. Contained views, through framed openings, offer selective scenes while maintaining a protective sense of enclosure from the outside climatic elements.
Roofs are dominant forms in mountain architecture
Traditional Rocky Mountain buildings have large, steep roofs with deep overhangs to shed snow and rain away from the building walls and foundation. This form also adds to the sense of shelter and protection. In multi-storey construction, upper stories were often incorporated into the roof using dormers to achieve headroom, light, and venting. Second storey space for bedrooms or other accommodation did not need to be as large as main floor space which was used for larger rooms or public areas.
The commonly used rafter-type framing also lent itself well to former construction. Roof insulations was non-existent and the precluded any need for a vented air space above the insulation. All of this led to a very identifiable roof form. It was massive and dominant, broken up with dormers and chimneys. Eaves were low descending often to the first storey line. Pitches were steep, usually 8:12 or greater.
Buildings are “anchored” to the ground with a solid base
Again, this characteristic was born of practical considerations. A masonry foundation protected susceptible wooden floor and wall construction from moisture and deep snow cover. This identifiable base or plinth balances the effect of a heavy, large roof, and “anchors” the building into the landscape.
Stone bases were traditionally used for mountain buildings. This remains a logical choice, although today the stone is as a veneer to an underlying concrete foundation wall. Ironically, stone, once a humble inexpensive material, has become a costly finish; it makes sense to concentrate its use on the relatively small “base” area of the building.
Visual connection to the ground can be achieved with materials other than stone. Horizontal wood boards and battens, rusticated masonry, stucco, or concrete parging perform the same function.
In Jasper, rounded glacial boulders and river rock were the traditional choice for stone work. As with many forms of stone wall construction, early masons found it easier to construct walls with a batter or slope. This can be effective in new designs as well, in helping the building “grow” out of the ground.
3.0 Guidelines
3.1 Standards for All Developments
3.1.1 Sitting
Objective | Guideline |
Jasper’s location within the national park establishes a special relationship with the natural environment that must be respected by new developments. Buildings should merge with the surrounding landscape rather than dominate. New developments should be designed to maintain natural grades and to integrate with existing site features such as rock outcroppings, and water bodies. |
Accurate site information is necessary to effectively design and evaluate developments. All development applications must include:
Minimize the amount of cut and fill on sloping sites by stepping the building or locating the structure into the slope. |
Avoid the use of retaining walls by careful sitting of the building. In locations where retaining walls are required, minimize the height by stepping them down the site at regular intervals or by using landscaped berms. |
Natural site drainage patterns – streams, berms, swales, should be maintained. |
Increased run-off from paved areas and roofs should not add to the run-off rate on adjacent downstream sites. Use retention techniques such as ponds and seepage beds to slow down water flow. Especially for hard surfaced areas. (See also 3.1.8 parking) |
Preserve the uniqueness of special corner sites existing in Jasper, notably:
Building design should draw attention to the fact that these are special sites by creating visual focal points at the comers, such as:
Building renovations and additions on these special sites should compliment features of the existing building. Because of the unique nature of each site, professional design assistance is especially recommended for additions to houses in these locations. |
Developments on all corner lots should incorporate unique design approaches; they are viewed from both intersecting streets. |
Buildings on corner sites must address all facing streets and the building should “turn the corner”. New development must relate to existing buildings not only on the street side of the building but also on neighbouring comer sites. This can be accomplished by:
New developments should provide a diversity of outdoor activities on site, not only car parking and “open space”. For example, there should be places for people to sit, meet, walk, garden, or eat outdoors. Pedestrian movement is as important as vehicular circulation. |
For projects of a scale that require professional design input, proposed development plans must show how the exterior spaces will function, particularly the pedestrian spaces. Consider the experience and hierarchy of outdoor activities for each area. The design must take into account the pedestrian experience of walking to and from the buildings (sequence) and how spaces are connected (linkages). |
3.1.2 Climate Considerations
Objective | Guideline |
Jasper is an outdoor oriented place. People should be encouraged to spend time outside during all seasons. Public outdoor spaces should be attractive and usable for as much of the year as possible. |
New structures should be designed to provide sunlight to public areas during cooler seasons as well as summer months. Outdoor public spaces with southern or western exposures are best. |
Jasper should offer protected, intimate outdoor resting places as well as exposed open areas. These smaller, more enclosed outdoor areas can counteract the sometimes intimidating superhuman scale of the mountain valley setting, while still allowing framed and directed view of the mountains. |
Design both buildings and landscaping in a way that crates protected, warm, sunny, intimate areas. This can be done using:
Provide weather protection for pedestrians at entranceways and along walkways that connect buildings. Ensure that ice, snow and water runoff from overhangs and roofs do not accumulate on walkways. | |
Jasper has a short summer season and therefore, relies on electric and gas energy for a longer period of the year. New developments should minimize their energy consumption. |
Design and siting of new structures should consider passive solar implications such as the size and orientation of windows, shading devices, for heat gain reduction, air locks or entry spaces to decrease heat loss. |
Objective | Guideline |
Jasper’s image as a mountain town is reinforced within the community by views out to the surrounding landscape. The presence of the natural park environment should be experienced from street level throughout the town. As well, views of significant historical buildings should not be blocked by redevelopment. |
Structures should frame views of the landscape and of significant historical buildings, not obstruct them. |
Building mass should be reduced at street corner locations with stepping forms and indentations to open up significant view lines to the surrounding mountains and historical buildings. |
Jasper is a town which is viewed from above. All development should consider its impact when viewed from distant higher elevations. |
Reduce the visual impact of exposed chimneys, vents and mechanical equipment on roofs by screening these elements to blend with the surrounding roof colour. Avoid clutter; group roof penetrations together wherever possible. Rooftop-mounted mechanical equipment and flues must be enclosed or screened, not just painted. Minor roof vent penetrations and flashings must be painted to match roof colour. |
Roof colours should be subdued. (see also,, Colour and Material, for specific types of development) |
From higher vantage points, roof shapes are prominent features. Create interesting roof forms which reflect the mountain setting and minimize the amount of flat roof areas on new developments. (For more information on roof designs, in Residential and Tourists Commercial developments, see and For larger buildings, groupings of small roof forms are preferable to a single large expanse of roof. |
New developments on sloped land have the potential for greater visual exposure when viewed from a distance. On steep slopes, building size, roadways, and parking areas become more visible, and there is less potential for vegetation to provide screening. |
Sloped hillside developments require a special siting approach. Continuous layers or “contours” of development obscure mature planting when viewed from below. This can be alleviated by:
Utility and site service should not disrupt the mountain views by creating unsightly visual clutter. |
Utilities must be placed underground for all new developments. Transformer vaults, garbage containers (Haul-All) and outdoor storage areas must be screened from view. This screening may be fencing, dense coniferous planting or berms. |
3.1.4 Landscaping
Objective | Guideline |
In Jasper’s special mountain setting, suitable landscaping for new developments is crucial. Both quality and quantity are important. |
New plant material must be provided in a size and quantity suitable for the development.
In selecting landscaping materials, consideration must be given to the affect of mature growth. (see also |
Jasper’s ecosystem will support a wide variety of plant material. However, each site has its own unique microclimate and conditions that should be considered when choosing plant species. |
In locations where maintenance of the plant materials is difficult due to cost factors or site topography, sustainable wild varieties should be considered. |
The design of the landscaping should consider seasonal variation to provide areas which are attractive all year round. Evergreens give colour in winter, for example. |
Even well planned landscaping layouts are ineffective if a programme of maintenance is not in place. New developments should ensure that planting and vegetation is well cared for, especially in the years immediately following construction. |
All landscaping must be well-maintained, and shall be replaced or repaired when damaged or showing signs of deterioration. Development proposals must indicate how new planting will be established, maintained, and irrigated if required. |
Protect planting from snow removal equipment, moisture loss, and damage from elk and deer. Plan for these factors in initial design. Varieties susceptible to elk-browsing should be located in high planters. |
Mature trees are an asset to the community. They should be retained whenever possible. They can provide protection from the wind, shade in the summer, a screen for privacy and add visual interest to buildings. New developments should retain existing significant landscaping. |
It is easier to preserve existing vegetation than to attempt to restore that which is destroyed. Site new buildings and cluster parking areas around existing mature vegetation. New developments must replant disturbed areas of the site with suitable landscaping material. Stands of existing mature trees that are near the end of their useful life must be examined by a competent horticulturalist to determine their remaining life expectancy. Parks Canada may request this horticultural report as part of a redevelopment application. (refer also to Environmental Assessment and Review Process requirements that may ne applicable to new developments). Trees removed must be replaced with an equal number of newly planted trees. |
Topsoil is a valuable resource. Construction projects should recycle topsoil and incorporate it into final landscaping. |
If the site has salvageable topsoil, it must be stockpiled for later re-use. |
Newly developed sites are susceptible to soil erosion and dust generation. These problems should be minimized, particularly with phased developments. |
All areas of a site not covered by buildings, parking, and driveway must be landscaped within one season of construction completion. Performance bonds may be required of developers to ensure completion of this work. |
Phased developments must provide landscaping to all undeveloped areas of the site so as to appear reasonably complete at each stage, and to control weed growth. |
Construction should cause as little long term damage to existing vegetation as possible. |
All development proposals must explicitly describe how the natural vegetation, slopes, drainage paths and outcroppings will be protected during construction. Possible techniques are:
Planting and landscaping should be designed in sympathy with the surrounding natural park setting, not as formal as urban layouts. |
Landscaping designs should be informal; avoid formal, geometric layouts. In general:
Maintenance procedures should not harm the environment or natural growth patterns. Planting should not depend on repeated pesticide or herbicide applications or extensive irrigation. |
Noxious weeds should be controlled by mechanical means whenever possible, as opposed to chemical means, especially where wild flowers or other broad leafed natural vegetation is encouraged. |
Planting should be suitable for Jasper’s special climatic conditions, and can be maintained and cared for throughout it’s life. |
Selecting only hardy species, suitable for Jasper’s environment, is a good first step. Proper installation and maintenance is often equally important. To ensure success:
Jasper, especially the town centre, should not appear as an island of exclusively man-made forms devoid of vegetation. The forest cover should penetrate into the town fabric. |
Maintain the green spaces and mature trees within the town to visually blend the man-made with the natural environment. New tree planting is a requirement for developers in both commercial and residential areas. (see also 3.1.3) |
Jasper must be defendable in the event of a forest fire and should be aligned with the FireSmart Development Practices Checklist within the FireSmart Home Ignition Zone (HIZ). |
New planting must consider the threat of forest fire intrusion, especially at the town perimeter. Highly flammable species such as juniper should not be used in these locations. |
Coniferous tree species which contribute to fire spread, should not be planted immediately adjacent to buildings in these areas. Coniferous trees should not be planted within 10m of a structure. |
3.1.5 Lighting
Objective | Guideline |
Fixtures should be pedestrian scale. |
Pole-mounted lighting for pedestrian and parking lot areas must be mounted no more than. 3.6m (12 ft) high. Lighting for vehicular traffic should be mounted not more than 4.8 m (18 ft) high. |
Walkways and steps can be adequately lit with low bollard lighting directed specifically at the pathway. (Note however that people feel much safer in public places if they can see the facial features of fellow pedestrians approaching them.) |
Generally, buildings should not be floodlit. Wall-mounted lighting that directs light primarily downward is acceptable and often has the benefit of lighting the building façade. Also, lighting for signage often effectively lights a building façade without the need for further lighting. |
All outdoor lighting should produce attractive, well-balanced light; it should not be garish or unnatural in colour. Lighting should also be energy efficient. |
Use of energy efficient luminaires is encouraged, but not at the expense of good color rendition. Light sources should be color balanced to approximate incandescent color temperatures (hues). High-pressure sodium (orange-ish), ordinary cool white fluorescent or mercury vapor lights (green-ish) are unacceptable. |
Lighting should be directed primarily downward, not directed upward into the sky. Avoid globe-type luminaires. |
Security lighting that is visible from pedestrian areas should be activated by heat or motion detectors, not left continuously on. |
Lighting is an important part of the design of new developments. In order to fairly evaluate a development proposal, all major exterior lighting should be indicated. |
Applications must indicate the type of exterior lighting, not just the location of fixtures. This description should include:
Refer to Table 1 for a list of common lamp types and their light characteristics. |
Lighting fixtures should be attractive and in keeping with the traditions of mountain architecture – simple, robust and functional. |
Luminaires, brackets and poles should reflect the hand crafted, simple aesthetics of mountain architecture. Painted metal, copper and clear or opaque glass are suitable materials. Chrome, intricately molder plastic and overly ornate fixtures are unsuitable. Aluminum should be dark colored, not clear anodized. |
Lighting of signage should not be directed outwards from the sign, but rather onto the sign itself. Lighting for signage should not contribute to nighttime sky glare within the townsite. |
Backlit signage is not permitted within the town site, except for important safety or public sector signs. (see also Signage for Tourist Commercial Developments.) |
Table 1 – Common lamp types for street lighting and signage and their light characteristics.
Lamp Type | Wattage Range | Efficiency (Lumens/watts) | Life (hours) | Colors Strengthened | Color Diminished | Remarks |
Incandescent | 15-500 | Low | 750-2000 | Yellow, red, orange | Blue | Very good color rendition |
Deluxe Cool-White Fluorescent | 15-110 | Medium | 7500-15000 | All | None | Good color rendition |
Deluxe White Mercury Vapor | 90-1000 | Medium | 1000-24000 | Blue, red, yellow | Green | Medium to poor color rendition |
Metal Halide | 75-1000 | High | 7500-10500 | Yellow, blue, green | Red | Good color rendition |
High-pressure sodium | 250-1000 | High | 10000-15000 | Yellow, green, orange | Red, blue | Poor color rendition |
Halogen | 20-100 | High | 3000 | Yellow, red, orange | Blue | Excellent color rendition |
3.1.6 Pedestrian Movement
Objective | Guideline |
Jasper’s natural setting and small scale character create a wonderful pedestrian environment which should be maintained and enhanced. People should be encouraged to move about the town without reliance on the automobile for every trip. The pedestrian system should be safe, enjoyable, and accessible by all, on a year round basis. |
Pedestrian routes must accommodate easy passage of wheeled vehicles (wheelchairs, baby carriages, bicycles) including gentle slopes at the grade changes and ramps, as well as appropriate widths for ease of movement. |
Pedestrian routes should be properly sloped to drain in wet weather to prevent wet surfaces and ice build up. (1:50 or ¼ inch per foot is a good rule of thumb). |
Parking must not impede the convenient movement of pedestrians at access points to buildings. Parking stalls must not be located within 3 m (10 ft) of any major entrance of a building. |
Separations between vehicles and pedestrian walkways must be obvious. Provide a change of grade, material, or landscaping to form a distinct edge (see also 3.1.8 Parking). |
Visitors – especially the elderly- strolling on foot from motel accommodation to the town centre like to pause and rest. Provide benches or low seating walls and informal spaces for impromptu meetings. These should be incorporated into the designs for ne developments, both private and public, wherever possible. They should be in sunny locations, out of the wind (see also 3.1.2 Climate Considerations, and Appendix). |
Pedestrian paths designed for everyday use should be reasonably direct and functional, not circuitous, and impractical to use. |
New developments must consider pedestrian use of the site. Paths should accommodate pedestrians innate desire to take the shortest route. Small hills, boulders, dense planting, or fencing can discourage unwanted pedestrian shortcutting through sensitive areas. |
Encourage the “promenade” atmosphere in Jasper. Walking should not only be easy and safe – it should be enjoyable and interesting. |
Create visual interest for pedestrians while strolling the neighbourhoods by:
Create interesting surfaces to walk on. Brick, concrete pavers, aggregates, or patterned concrete differentiates pedestrian surfaces from vehicular surfaces and creates visually interesting surface patterns. Redevelopments in the Town Centre should match the style, color, and detailing or the existing tree grates and pavers. |
Pedestrian walkways need not always be paved, but they should not contribute to erosion or scaring of the natural landscape. |
Locate pathways so they don’t become watercourses during Spring run-off. |
3.1.7 Lanes
Objective | Guideline |
Jasper’s back lanes are a traditional rout for access to parking and service areas. They should continue to function as the main site access for vehicular traffic, reserving the street sidewalks for safe pedestrian movement. |
Parking and service areas must be accessed from the lane wherever possible to reduce the number of curb cuts along pedestrian streets. |
Parking directly off the laneway must not encroach on the lane other than for maneuvering purposes. Nor should it impede the visibility of laneway traffic. |
Upgrade the existing back lanes to present a more pleasant environment for both residents and visitors. |
Parking lots for more than three cars, service areas, at-grade mechanical equipment, refuse areas and temporary outdoor storage must be concealed from adjacent laneway views by use of fences, decorative walls, earth berms, hedges, change of grade-level or other similar means of screening. (see also 3.1.3 and 3.1.8) |
Where vehicular sight lines permit, planting and screening at the lane entranceway is the most effective location for screening views into lanes by pedestrians and passing motorists. Note, however, that safety dictates clear sight lines be maintained for emerging motorists. Also, clear access is required to all sides of “Haul-all” garbage containers. |
Reduce the traffic congestion and undue wear and tear in the back lanes. |
Where high traffic volumes occur with commercial and visitor vehicles, the lanes must be paved at the developer’s expense to reduce dust and deterioration. Where paving is not feasible at the time of redevelopment, a cash-in-lieu contribution may be required to cover the costs of future paving. |
Lane access of oversized commercial delivery vehicles should be restricted to off-peak hours where feasible. Redevelopments which propose uses that require regular lane deliveries by large trucks must indicate how they intend to accommodate these deliveries without unduly blocking lane access. (see also Parking and Loading) |
3.1.8 Parking
Objective | Guideline |
Sidewalks must be safe and enjoyable places to walk. Vehicles crossing the sidewalk to enter parking lots disrupt the sanctity of the sidewalk for pedestrians and create arbitrary “breaks” in the continuity for the street frontages. |
Minimize the number of curb cuts across sidewalks, particularly in the Town Centre area. (see also parking and Loading) |
Local traffic-flow patterns and location and type of parking facilities should be clearly indicated, especially for visitors who are not familiar with the surroundings. |
Parking lot entries and exits must be clearly identified by signs, gate posts, or other means. Signage must be extremely clear and simple; drivers are often first time visitors, and are easily disoriented. Symbology and graphics in the signage are as important as written messages. (see also Signage). |
Each parking stall must be clearly marked. Use painted lines, patterned edging, or other means to identify each stall. |
The design of parking and service areas should consider the safety of pedestrians and adjacent property. |
All parking stalls must be provided with adequate curbs or bumpers to keep vehicle within the permitted parking area. Bollards or similar protection shall be located at all areas where errant drivers are likely to hit fences, gates, or buildings. Parked cars must not protrude into the pedestrian area. A physical separation, by use of screening (such as fencing, wall or landscaping) shall be maintained between parked cars and public walkways. (see also 3.1.6 Pedestrian Movement) |
Parking lots should not contribute to wind blown dust or erosion. Nor should they be muddy or slippery during rains or Spring runoff. | |
Parking lots should not contribute to excessive runoff or site drainage concerns. |
Drainage from parking lots must not increase the run-off rate onto adjacent property. In other words, new parking lots must not worsen existing drainage patterns. (see also 3.1.1 Sitting) |
Parking areas should blend into the natural ground cover, minimizing the amount of additional asphalt paving within the townsite. |
Use decorative paving materials and landscaping to reduce the visual impact of parking areas and driveways. Utilize partially porous paving materials such as loose-set interlocking pavers, to allow replenishment of underground water supply. This can help restore natural moisture to parking lot vegetation and decrease run-off. |
Parking areas are often the first place a Jasper visitor sets foot. They should create a good first impression. Large parking lots are associated with urban or suburban life – not small towns. (They are particularly undesirable in a mountain setting, and should be avoided.) |
Parking lots must be:
Parking lot layout should provide for snow removal and storage. |
Bicycle riding is an increasingly popular way to get around town and should be encouraged. Bicyclists should have:
Architectural and Siting submissions for new developments should indicate what facilities are being provided for bicycles, including:
Note the distinction between bicycle parking (safe outdoor lock-up) and bicycle storage (sheltered, enclosed lock up). |
3.2 Standards for Residential Developments
3.2.1 Site Design Street Design
Objective | Guideline |
New development should be compatible with adjacent buildings. |
Break up large developments into smaller building volumes. | Landscaping
Objective | Guideline |
Reduce the visual impact of retaining walls. |
Use of stone, concrete, masonry materials is recommended. Where concrete or masonry is used, incorporate planting or stone facing to soften the exposed surface appearance. If heavy timber/preserved wood is used, ensure a minimum 1.5 metre break exists between the wood retaining wall and the exterior wall of a home. |
Fences should be durable in construction and materials, and compatible with the building character. |
Use natural materials such as wood pickets, logs and stone as main elements. Extensive use of industrial materials such as chain link or metal is not suitable. If a wood fence is installed, ensure there is at least a 1.5-metre non-combustible break between the wood portion of the fence and the main structure. For example, installing a metal gate can break up the combustible fence and protect the main structure. |
Fences and hedges facing streets should be pedestrian friendly – views into front yards give and open, accessible feel to a street. |
Hedges must be set back from walkways to allow for mature growth. | Private Outdoor Space
Objective | Guideline |
New development should not infringe upon the privacy and sunlight of neighbouring buildings and their private outdoor space. |
New buildings and garages are encouraged to be sited to minimize the impact on adjacent private outdoor spaces of neighbours. |
Maximize the year-round potential use of private outdoor space. |
Outdoor spaces should be designed for year-round use, and consideration be given so that they can be enjoyed in all seasons. |
Private outdoor spaces (balconies, decks, patios) should be in scale and character with the overall development. |
Balconies and elevated decks must not overlook neighboring private outdoor spaces. |
Incorporate materials and details into the design of outdoor spaces which reflect those used in the building design. The balcony or deck should appear as part of the building and not arbitrarily tacked-on. | Parking
Objective | Guideline |
Maintain the pedestrian oriented street frontages and rural character of Jasper. |
Front drive garages are restricted to laneless areas. The existing lane grid functions as an access to site parking and this should be reinforced. |
Parking should be located near the dwelling unit for accessibility, safety and security. |
Parking areas must be connected to the front entrance of a multi-family building through raised sidewalks that are well-lit and unobstructed. |
To improve security, the resident’s parking space(s) should be partially visible from at least one room within the dwelling. |
Headlight glare, noise and exhaust should not infringe on residences. |
In multi-family developments, no parking shall be located directly adjacent to a window of a habitable room. A minimum distance of 3m (10ft) with partial screening and/or landscaping or a minimum distance of 7.6m (25ft) without screening should be provided. |
Parking lots should be safe at night. Clear visibility is important, both for safe footing and a sense of security. |
Parking areas for more than five cars must be lit at night for the hours of common use (typically until 11 pm). This lighting can be activated by timers or motion activated. Lighting levels need not be high – 6 lux (0.5 footcandles) is considered a minimum. Lighting must not cause glare – avoid high-wattage floodlights mounted on building facades. |
3.2.2 Building Design Size and Scale
Objective | Guideline |
New infill developments should not overwhelm their existing neighbours. Privacy, sunlight, views and street scale should be preserved as much as possible. |
New developments must be designed to fit within an ‘envelope’. (Refer to the LUP for details on heights, setbacks and roof planes for each district). Please refer to the Town of Jasper Land Use Policy for details on heights and setbacks and roof planes for each district. Intermittent gabled dormers and open front porches may protrude beyond this envelope. Intermittent gables are defined as gables which together comprise not more than one half of the building width. |
New residential buildings should be scaled to fit into the architectural context of a small mountain town. The residential neighborhoods of Jasper have a small scale one-and-two-storey image which should be preserved and enhanced. |
Reduce the overall mass of new developments with interesting, simple forms such as porches, chimneys, and bay windows. |
Emphasize the “base”, “middle” and “top” of the building form by changes in material and texture. The “top” of the building is the roof and should form at least one-third of the overall building height. Consider the overall impacts (sustainability and visual) of roofing materials. |
Exterior cladding along the base (at least a minimum of 15 cm from grade) must be constructed out of non-combustible materials to mitigate potential for ground fire spread moving to full structure fires. |
Windows and wall openings should relate to the overall scale of the building. Large expanses of window glazing are unsuitable in most residential developments; they are more evocative of urban commercial buildings. |
Glazed areas should make up a smaller proportion of wall, compared to solid areas. Group several window units together or break up areas of glass with muntin bars. | Roof Forms
Objective | Guideline |
The roof form should be an integral part of the building volume and not sit on top of the building as simply a cap. |
Reduce the perceived height of the building by building the top storey into the roof. |
Roof forms should relate to the mountain environments and rural tradition of Jasper. |
Roofs must be sloped, not flat, for residential buildings. Use steep pitched roofs with a minimum slope pitch of 6:12. A pitch of 8:12 is recommended. A minimum roof pitch of 4.12 is permitted for manufactured home developments. |
Deep overhangs and larger steep roofs are in keeping with the tradition of mountain architecture and should be evident in new residential buildings. |
Simple roof forms are best. Main roofs and secondary roofs should have the same slope where feasible. Roofs over dormers and entrances may vary from the main slope, preferably by being steeper. |
Provide roofs over entrances for weather protection. |
Roof overhangs should be 600mm (2 ft) or greater. Wide overhangs create deep shadows and protection over entries. |
Deep overhangs and larger steep roofs are in keeping with the tradition of mountain architecture and should be evident in new residential buildings. |
Simple roof forms are best. Main roofs and secondary roofs should have the same slope where feasible. Roofs over dormers and entrances may vary from the main slope, preferably by being steeper. |
Provide roofs over entrances for weather protection. |
Roof overhangs should be 600mm (2 ft) or greater. Wide overhangs create deep shadows and protection over entries. |
Roofs have a strong impact on the perceived bulk of the building. Especially for larger developments, they should help new housing to blend in, and not emphasize the buildings size. Roof forms should be in scale with the traditional houses of Jasper. |
Break up long, continuous roof eavelines with gable projections, chimneys and changes in roof slope. |
Avoid large, monolithic roof forms by subdividing roofs into smaller components. A system of cascading roofs or projections through the roof, such as chimneys, can help. As noted above, however, roofs should be simple and uncomplicated especially on smaller buildings. When valleys or other areas are present a metal flashing must be used to reduce the build-up of debris or embers being trapped. |
With few exceptions, turrets and towers are not traditional Jasper architecture and are not suitable for new residential development. |
Additions to buildings should not be out of character with the existing structure. |
Blend additions into existing buildings by using the same roof slope and form as the existing. | Color and Materials
Objective | Guideline |
Color is an attribute that – if not skillfully handled – can cause a building to appear out of place. Colors in the built environment in Jasper should blend with nature and allow the natural surroundings to be the focal point of attention. |
Materials of the main building elements such as roofs and exterior wall surfaces, must be subdued and blend with the natural surrounding. Strong intense colors are rarely appropriate, especially over large wall or roof areas. |
Trim, doors, windows and ornament can incorporate brighter, contrasting colors for variety and surface interest. |
Metal vents and flashings must be painted or finished to blend with the surrounding roof color. (see also 3.1.3 Views) |
Building materials should reflect the historic use of natural materials which sets Jasper harmoniously into its mountain setting. |
Exterior wall surfaces must be constructed to be non-combustible and may include materials like stone, stucco, brick, or fibre cement siding. When fibre cement siding is used, it should approximate traditional wood siding in both profile and texture. Wood, vinyl and aluminum siding are unacceptable. Heavy timber is acceptable. Metal siding, painted in neutral colours, may be included for portions of the exterior cladding when installed to a Class A (CAN/ULC S107) standard and designed to be subordinate to other more natural or traditional materials. Any other materials not listed above may be acceptable if they meet Natural Resources Canada standards for non-combustibility. |
All mobile homes must have skirting around their base covering up the void space under the home. The skirting must be made of non-combustible materials. |
Roof colors should be neutral. Acceptable materials for roofs are:
Unacceptable materials for roofs are:
Any other materials not listed above may be acceptable if they meet Natural Resources Canada standards for non-combustibility. |
Additions to existing buildings should match existing materials whenever possible. |
Materials must be consistent on all exterior sides of the buildings. “Quality” finishes like brick and stone, should not be artificially veneered to the front elevation only. |
The shape, color and building materials used for the exterior of accessory buildings should be designed to match those used for the primary building. | Detailing
Objective | Guideline |
The historic residences of Jasper are embellished with simple decorative elements and details, which add interest and texture to the building surfaces. Structural elements such as columns, rafter ends, gable brackets and lintels are often expressed on the outside surfaces of the buildings. This rustic, hand-crafted appearance and quality workmanship should be incorporated in new developments. This will help new developments blend into the existing image of Jasper as a mountain place. |
Defines and express the meeting of elements – such as wall-to-ground or roof-to-wall – with trim boards, fascias, and variations in materials. |
Large surfaces of stucco should be broken up with patterns of wood trim to avoid a flat monolithic appearance. The amount and size of trim should be in proportion to the scale of the building. |
Large-proportioned, simple detailing is appropriate to a mountain setting. Over-sized columns, railings and other architectural features are encouraged. |
Window frames and mullions must be constructed of non-combustible materials including metal clad wood, metal clad fibreglass, aluminum, steel. It is encouraged that replicate the proportions and profiles of older style wood windows. |
3.3 Standards for Town Centre Developments
3.3.1 Site Design Street Context
Objective | Guideline |
New buildings should be complimentary to existing historic buildings, especially outstanding examples such as the Post Office, C.I.B.C. and Library. |
New developments immediately adjacent to important heritage buildings, as identified by Parks Canada, must:
Maintain the existing pedestrian-oriented, low scale, “promenade” atmosphere in the Town Centre. Rather thank resort to interior malls, the exterior street environment should be made as pleasant as possible. |
Provide roofed sheltered walks and open arcades where possible, especially in heavily used areas. Sheltered entries recessed from the street are encouraged, rather than interior malls. |
The street should be a continuous, integrated “precinct”, without “holes” or blank facades. |
New developments must provide a continuous pedestrian environment and should be oriented to the street. (see also Size and Scale) |
Through-block developments, which encourage pedestrian traffic to cross the lane between Patricia and Connaught, should be restricted to “designated mid-block pedestrian cut-throughs.” Consult with CPS planning staff for specific locations. Main entries should be from the street and pedestrian courts, and not from the rear lane. |
New developments must appear “finished” at each stage in the redevelopment of a block. |
Re-developments that occur beside sites with side yards or setbacks must treat the exterior exposed portions of their firewalls as finished wall surfaces. It is not acceptable to assume they will be hidden by future adjacent redevelopment.
Laneways in the Town Centre should appear clean, well-cared for and should not detract from the townscape appearance. |
While not intended as pedestrian or visitor areas. Lanes are visible to some extent. They should not form a cluttered “industrial” looking foreground to the mountain views. Therefore:
| Landscaping
Objective | Guideline |
The downtown area of Jasper should blend into the natural mountain landscaped as much as possible. Greenery and planting should be incorporated into both the public and private outdoor areas. |
Some planting must be provided within the open space noted above. This planting can be:
| Public Outdoor Space
Objective | Guideline |
Noise and intrusive views from commercial developments should not jeopardize the use of adjacent residential yards. |
Roof terraces, at-grade outdoor seating areas and patios must not look directly over adjacent residential backyards. Provide screening. |
Potentially noisy restaurant terraces or patios must be located away from adjacent residential areas. |
Jasper is and “outdoors” town, where residents and visitors appreciate the chance to breathe the mountain air and enjoy the vistas. Outdoor places to stroll, stop and chat, sit, eat, and drink are to be encouraged. |
Indoor-oriented “malls” are not an appropriate form for Jasper. New retail developments must have individual store entries directly to the outdoors. |
Outdoor pedestrian walkways, including public sidewalks, should provide:
| Parking and Loading
Objective | Guideline |
Car parking areas should not be the dominant feature of any area of the downtown. They should appear as secondary elements in the scene, allowing the buildings and pedestrian areas to dominate. |
Vehicle parking or loading in the Town Centre must not be located in front of buildings. In other words, the on-site parking must not be in the front yard area, but in the rear yard area, or underground. (Refer to the National Parks of Canada Land Use Planning Regulations.) In general, these on-site parking areas must be accessed by the lanes, rather than the streets. Street-accessed parking may be suitable to designated communal parking lots developed by Parks Canada. These communal lots should have the minimum number of curb cuts possible. Porte Cocheres, pedestrian drop-off zones and bus loading areas will be considered on an individual project basis. They should not disrupt the safe, easy use of the sidewalks by pedestrians. |
Parking areas should not detract from the continuity of the pedestrian sidewalk. |
The pedestrian environment along Connaught and Patricia should not be broken by front yard parking lots. |
Parking in the downtown area should encourage pedestrian use of the areas as a whole. And not be designed for specific isolated car trips to shop only. Visitors and residents should be encouraged to park and stroll on foot to several stores; the downtown area should act as a pedestrian precinct. |
Please refer to the Land Use Policy for details on parking requirements and cash-in-lieu policy for parking. |
Parking lots must be safe, secure, and designed to deter vandals and discourage crime. |
Parking areas must be illuminated, for the hours of use (generally until 1:00 a.m. for restaurant and entertainment areas). This must be to a maintained level of 6 lux (0.5 footcandles). (This equates to about 6 watts/m² using incandescent lighting.) This lighting should not be high-mounting-height lighting with high0intensity lamps, but rather of a pedestrian scale. Lighting should be directed downwards. (see also 3.1.5 Lighting) |
Parking areas should be designed to allow clear nighttime visibility across most of the parking lot. Foliage and fencing should be kept below eye line height (1500 mm)/ Avoid small groups of isolated stalls, completely hidden from view. (see also 3.1.8 Parking) |
Loading bays should not deter pedestrian use and enjoyment of the downtown. |
Loading bays, if provided, must be located in the rear yard area. Access should be via the rear lane only, not the street. Businesses without loading bays, should attempt to have deliveries mad at off-peak early morning hours. |
Parking and loading requirements for new buildings should not discourage small-scale redevelopment. In many cases the delivery requirements for small shops, restaurants, offices and residential development do not warrant the provision of full-size (25 ft. x 12 ft.) spaces. |
Requirements for Parking and Loading Spaces, as contained in the National Parks of Canada Land Use Planning Regulations, may be relaxed providing:
| Signage
Objective | Guideline |
Signage should not be the most dominant visual element in the town centre, especially at night. |
Backlit signs are not permitted, except for important safety or public sector signs. Lighting of signs must be external to the sign, directed at the sign not emanating from within. |
Consider alternatives to conventional signage; in some cases, signage is not the only means to effectively advertise. Display windows or inviting views into restaurants and shops, showing activity and merchandise, can reduce the need for excessive signage. |
Advertising signage should not be a major consumer of electricity in Jasper. New signage should de-escalate the wattage war and not compete with existing signage using raw power or size. |
Large areas of high intensity lighting for signage are inappropriate. Signage should draw attention to itself by:
Communication to the public need not always be through conventional lettered signs; graphics and symbology effectively speak in many languages. This is especially useful for those visitors not fluent in English. |
Consider using symbols and graphics in signage, to help explain the message. |
Material used for signage should be:
In general, the following types of signage are encouraged (refer also to the National Parks of Canada Land Use Planning Regulations):
The following types of signage are discouraged:
New signage should be of a size, scale, and quantity that fits the intimate, pedestrian oriented scale of Jasper. Signage in the town should be primarily oriented towards pedestrians or slow moving traffic, not highway-speed vehicles. |
New signage shall not exceed the size and quantity limitations as set out in the National Parks Sign Regulations. In addition, signs in the Town Centre must meet the following criteria: Wall mounted signs (including fascia signs and signage on canopy edges): Maximum size: 1.3 m² (14 ft²) if mounted on first storey 0.8 m² (8 ft²) if mounted on second storey 0 m² (0 ft²) (not permitted) on third storey Maximum quantity: one per business. Hanging or Projecting Signs: Maximum size: 0.8 m² (8 ft²) Maximum quantity: one per 7.6 m (25 ft) of building frontage onto a street or pedestrian court. This is in additional to permitted wall-mounted signs. Temporary trailer-mounted signs, large balloon signs, temporary banners, free standing signs, sandwich-board signs and “third party” (off site) signs are not permitted. |
Signage, and the associated lighting and sense of activity, should be primarily concentrated at street level, not at the second or third storey levels. |
Signage should add to the quality or mountain views, not obscure them |
Building signage should fit within the design of the building exterior and not appear to be arbitrarily tacked-on. |
Signage on the exterior of buildings must be integrally designed into the building façade. Signs should not arbitrarily overlap window openings, columns or other architectural elements of the façade. Use of individual letters mounted directly to the building façade, is encouraged. |
Signage forms an important part of building design especially for developments in the town centre. To fairly evaluate a design proposal, signage should be indicated on the design drawings. |
Sign locations and sizes (and proposed graphic layout and message, if available) should be a part of all Architectural and Siting development drawings. |
Canopies (fixed structures) and awnings (operable shadings devices) should function primarily as protection from sun and weather, not as signage. |
Canopies and awnings must not be backlit. |
Signage on canopies and awnings must be located within one-foot-high (300 mm) of the bottom edge. Such signage is considered equivalent to wall-mounted signage. |
Curved canopies made of combustible material are not permitted. They are not suitable architectural forms for Jasper as they have no historical precedent or roots as a local form. |
Shop windows should function as windows, not as backing for signs. |
Temporary signage and posters advertising special sales and announcements are restricted to 10% of the window area. Decal lettering (individual adhesive-applied letters) or painted lettering must not cover more than 5% of the window area. |
3.3.2 Building Design Size and Scale
Objective | Guideline |
Buildings in the Town Centre should be of a “town” or “village” scale, not a large urban scale. |
To allow efficient coverage of the lot, yet preserve views and light, new developments in the Town Centre must fall within an “envelope”, as shown below. (Please refer to LUP for details on heights and setbacks for each zone) |
Building forms should suggest the pattern of individually owned shops, with relatively narrow frontages. |
New buildings must break their frontages into identifiable elements 7.5 to 15 m wide (25 to 50 ft). |
New developments should suggest a modest scale, even if composed of several assembled lot widths. |
Large unbroken surfaces facing the street are unacceptable. They should be subdivided into separate areas both vertically and horizontally. This does not mean making the façade “busy” – traditional Jasper architecture is in fact essentially simple in scale and massing. |
Entries to shops and offices should be defined and should punctuate the street and should not be hidden. Typically, they should be recessed from the sidewalk and modestly scaled. Double doors, perhaps with sidelights, are adequate for even the largest shop, restaurant or hotel. |
The façade of a building in the Town Centre should not be composed only of windows but should rather have an appearance of solidity. Windows should be within a wall and not form the wall itself. |
Strip mall floor to ceiling storefront glazing, with little to no solid wall, is not appropriate for Jasper. Storefronts should have a solid base or plinth about 600 mm (2 ft) above the sidewalk. Windows should appear as individual openings with areas of wall between the windows. Second storey windows should form a series of individual units (“punched” openings), not a continuous glazed band. |
Streets in the Town Centre should offer pedestrians a continuous, interesting display of activities inside buildings. New buildings should not form blank, impenetrable walls facing the sidewalk. |
While entirely glazed storefronts are not acceptable, neither are large blank walls facing the street. New developments, including banks and offices, should have no more than 4.5 m (15 ft) of continuous blank wall facing the street. |
A mountain aesthetic should be evident in the detailing of windows and doors. They should be in keeping with the scale of Jasper and in harmony with traditional smaller-paned windows. |
Glass areas larger than about 1.8 m x 1.8 m (6 ft x 6 ft) should be subdivided into smaller areas. This can be done by grouping together several window units or the use of muntin bars (grids). Glazed-in muntin bars are preferable to clip-on decorative ones. An effective traditional arrangement of windows is one using small-sized units stacked over larger ones. |
Buildings in a mountain environment should appear to provide warmth, protection and enclosure. Largely transparent glass-enclosed structures are not appreciated. Although views out to the mountains are important, it is usually inappropriate to try to duplicate the panoramic outdoor view from within. Views are best “framed” by defined window openings. |
Greenhouse structures, with near-100% glazing, are unacceptable if fronting directly onto a main public sidewalk. These include lean-to additions, stairwells, and towers. Some limited exceptions may be allowed, particularly where the glazed enclosure is part of a courtyard, plaza, or semi-enclosed landscaped area. | Roof Forms
Objective | Guideline |
Sloped roofs are an important part of mountain architecture, both for aesthetic and practical reasons. They should be the primary roof form in the Town Centre. |
Sloped roofs must be evident in every Town Centre development. If technical considerations make it impractical to use sloped roofs for the entire development, flat roofs may be used for portions of the roof not visible from street level. |
Jasper is a town viewed from above as well as from eye level. This must be considered in all designs. |
Large expanses of flat roof are unacceptable. Sloped roofs are almost always more preferable, when viewed from above. |
Roof top mechanical equipment and exhaust vents must be screened, even if not readily seen from street level. |
Sloped roofs that are entirely above the second storey line can only be perceived from afar and this does little to help the streetscape from the pedestrian’s viewpoint. Roofs should be visible from street level. |
To become visible, and useful as pedestrian shelter, roofs should descend to within 2.7 m to 3.5 m of the sidewalk level. At least some portion of the roof slope should descend to near the first story line, even in multi-storey developments. This can be accomplished using steep roof pitches, gables or stepping the building back from the street. |
Roofs overhanging sidewalks and walkways can give valuable protection to pedestrians. They should be encouraged. |
Protective roofs over sidewalks and entryways are encouraged. Besides protection from the elements, they help bring the roof line down to pedestrian scale. Canopies designed as part of the building are preferable to added on fabric canopies. |
Snow shedding and removal must be carefully considered, especially in the tight confines of Town Centre redevelopment. |
Submissions for new developments must demonstrate how snow removal will be handled. Generally, there are two acceptable approaches:
Drainage from canopies and awnings should not lead to ice formation on sidewalks. |
Roofs, permanently mounted canopies and temporary awnings over sidewalks must direct their drainage onto areas not used by pedestrians. This can be done by:
| Color and Materials
Objective | Guideline |
Materials used for roofs and wall finishes in the Town Centre should help unify the appearance of the area and be “of” the mountains. They should be local in appearance. Either the raw material should be regional in origin, or it should be one that traditionally has been used locally. |
Acceptable materials for roofs are:
Unacceptable materials are:
Any other materials not listed above may be acceptable if they meet Natural Resources Canada standards for non-combustibility. Acceptable materials for wall finishes in the Town Centre are:
Unacceptable materials are:
Any other materials not listed above may be acceptable if they meet Natural Resources Canada standards for non-combustibility. | Detailing
Objective | Guideline |
There is a rich tradition of interesting and appropriate detailing in the mountain architecture of Jasper. New developments should continue and build upon this tradition. |
New developments are encouraged to incorporate some detailing derived from the best of historical motifs, taking into consideration best practices around FireSmart Design:
Use local flora and fauna as themes for decoration where possible, and not imported themes. This applies to door handles, bosses, finials, trim and signage. |
The use of local artisans (Jasper based) is encouraged. |
Wood, naturally finished or stained, is a suitable detailing material for Jasper’s mountain setting. Where maintenance or excessive weathering is a concern, wood can be used in selected, protected, highly visible locations. Doors to shops, for instance, can incorporate natural wood, either in the construction of the door or frame, or as door pulls and handles. |
3.4 Standards for Tourist Commercial Developments
3.4.1 Site Design Street Context
Objective | Guideline |
New motels/ hotels should strive to be within, not carved out of the mountain setting. They should merge with the land. Jasper’s Tourist Commercial areas have, for the most part, started to allow this to happen. Especially where new tourist facilities are located adjacent to natural wooded areas, this trend should be strengthened. |
Many positive characteristics exemplified by the best existing developments should be incorporated in new developments. They are:
Large new developments should not appear as large monolithic blocks; they should have identifiable “pieces” that break down the scale. |
Larger developments should reduce the overall mass of buildings with pitched roofs, building articulation, wings and or interesting, simple forms such as porches, chimneys. |
At the end of a long day behind the wheel, visitors should feel welcomed and easily oriented. The hotel/motel reception area often sets the stage for their first contact with Jasper people. |
Office and reception areas should be immediately evident. Separate roof shapes or window treatment help accomplish this task. (see also Size & Scale). Temporary parking should be clearly identified. |
New motels/hotels are often extensions of residential streets. They should have a residential character, rather than a “downtown” character. |
Streetscapes in these areas should be residential in character, with low level street lighting, if at all. Setbacks should match immediately adjacent residential setbacks. |
It should be easy for visitors to go for a stroll downtown. |
Paths from motels to the town centre should be obvious, direct and well marked. | Landscaping
Objective | Guideline |
Motels/hotels can offer visitors a chance to experience a natural mountain setting and mature native planting. Buildings and car parking areas should appear to nestle into the surrounding forest; some of the “country” should come into the “city”. |
Existing native vegetation and natural native grasses should be retained when it is located outside of the immediate zone (0 to 1.5 m) and spacing trees at least 3.0 m apart. Native species are encouraged. (see also 3.1.4 Landscaping) |
Commercial Accommodation buildings must be separated from other structures made of combustible materials or landscaping by a 1.5 m wide, hard surface landscaped area. |
Where other, fully accessible options are already provided, less frequently used walkways can be gravel. |
New hotel/motels should orient views from rooms toward the mountains if possible, and not out to a paved parking area. | Public Outdoor Space
Objective | Guideline |
As with retail and office developments, motel and hotel rooms should not overlook into adjacent residential yards. Homeowners and apartment dwellers are very uncomfortable with intrusive views from hotel or commercial units – more so than views from residential neighbours. |
It should not be possible to look from a motel or hotel room or balcony into adjacent residential yards. Provide screens or orient windows and balconied away from residential yards. | Parking and Loading
Objective | Guideline |
Recreation Vehicle parking should be available. This can be in a separate, less visible area of the site. |
In motel/hotel developments over 25 units, 10% of stalls provided should be 3m x 7.6m with 3m clear overhead (10 ft. wide x 25 ft. long with 10 ft clearance). |
Motels and hotels should not appear as islands in a sea of asphalt. |
Paved areas must be restricted to the minimum required for vehicular access, maneuvering and parking, in accordance with accepted standards. It is not acceptable to use asphalt paving as a low-maintenance ground cover. Access for buses and recreation vehicles should not dictate the amount of paving in areas designed exclusively for cars. |
Loading bays and service entries should not be immediately visible from the main entryway. | Signage
Objective | Guideline |
Signage should fit gracefully into the mountain setting and show evidence of local materials and construction techniques. |
Suitable and unsuitable materials for signage are the same as those listed for Town Centre developments. (see Signage) |
Colors used in signage should be subdued for large background areas but can be bright intense colors for lettering and graphics. Fluorescent (Day-Glo) colors are highly discouraged. |
Consider incorporating the following into the signage design:
Entry signage offers an opportunity to concentrate landscaping and a “crafted” look into a pleasing composition. Consider using:
Signage should be scaled for pedestrian and slow moving vehicular traffic, and not for high speed highway users. | Signage, especially at entries to motels and hotels, should be “rooted” to the ground, not pole or pylon mounted. Where pole-mounted signage is unavoidable, the sign must not be over 4m (13 ft). in height overall, and special care must be taken to avoid visual clutter associated with bolted connections, metal brackets and arms. |
Lighting of important wayfinding signs is necessary for visitors arriving at night. Tourists should be able to readily locate and identify a hotel. However, they should not be confronted with a barrage of over scaled, over lit signage. | Entry signage should be concentrated at the entryway, not dispersed in several locations on the site or street frontage. |
Electrically lit signs should not cause nighttime glare which restricts the appreciation of nighttime views of the sky and mountains. |
Signage must not be of the back-lit type. The light source should be external to the sign itself, and directed onto the sign. Avoid mounting light sources in a way that causes glare for pedestrians or motorists. Lighting intensity levels should be the minimum required for safe and legible reading of the sign. As a guide use not more than 500 lux (50 footcandles). This can be achieved with about 50 watts/m². As for lighting in general, lamps should approximate the color hue of incandescent lamps. (see also 3.1.5 Lighting) |
Signage should appear integrated into the overall building design, and not be tacked on or temporary. It should contribute to an overall sense of permanence and carefully thought out design. |
Temporary signage, such as that advertising conventions, special rates, or special events, must be provided for as part of the main signage. |
As for all new developments, electrical power lines for signage must be underground and concealed as much as possible within the sign construction. Fixtures and lamps, external to the sign itself, can be exposed but should be designed as an integral part of the overall sign design. | Lightning
Objective | Guideline |
The nighttime image of a well designed hotel in a mountain town should be one of subdued lighting and lodge-like. The glow from windows, lighted pathways and entries is often adequate. |
High mounted highway-type lights are inappropriate. Mounting heights should be no higher than 4.6 m (16’). There is usually no need to floodlight large areas, such as parking lots. Lights should be directed largely downward. (i.e. high cut-off angle). Pools of light are often more pleasing than uniform lighting. |
Security lighting should be motion or heat activated and not constantly on. |
With few exceptions, motels/hotels do not need to be floodlit. |
Except for historic buildings, motels/hotels should not be flood lit. Wall-mounted lighting, on the other hand is appropriate. It provided light next to the building where it is most needed, emphasizes entries, creates interesting shadow, and shows off the textures of stone and brick. |
3.4.2 Building Design Size and Scale
Objective | Guideline |
In keeping with Jasper’s image as a mountain town, hotels and motels should appear modest in size. |
First impressions are lasting, especially for visitors staying in Jasper only briefly. Building mass should be broken into elements approximately residential in scale. |
The building should be attractive from several viewpoints, not just from the arrival point. There is a tendency for motels to have an architecturally interesting “front” (reception/ lobby/ restaurant), connected to a repetitious and boring “backend” (side-by-side identical units in a row). |
Although economics often dictates repetitive units, the exterior can be varied by roof line changed, balcony shapes and fenestration (placement of doors and windows). |
Exteriors of units should be carried in appearance, even if interior layouts are standardized and repetitive. |
Corners and ends of wings should receive special attention. |
Entries to mountain lodges are traditionally special features. New developments should have arrival areas that are in keeping with this pattern. |
The main entry should be specially designed and easy to identify upon arriving. (see also Roof Forms) There should be no confusion about where the front door is. The entry need not be grand, but it should be obvious. A porch with a special roof, wide steps, benches for patrons awaiting departure all contribute to the definition of the entry. |
Windows – their size, placement and detailing – should help give a hotel its mountain character. |
Window frames and mullions must be constructed of non-combustible materials including metal clad wood, metal clad fibreglass, aluminum, steel and should have a painted coating not clear anodized aluminum. |
Large areas of glass (over about 1500mm wide x 1800mm high, or 5 ft x 6 ft.) are usually not appropriate. Use several separate window units instead or divide into individual smaller panes. |
Consider using openable windows rather than fixed units with air conditioning, for restaurant, lobby areas and (of course) suites. Visitors like to enjoy Jasper’s “mountain air”. |
Casements and double-hung units are preferable in appearance compared to sliders. | Roof Forms
Objective | Guideline |
Roofs traditionally are massive in the best of Canadian mountain resort hotels and lodges. New developments should emulate this form. |
Roofs must be sloped, not flat. Pitches 8-in-12 are preferable, to allow the roof to be prominent from ground level views. A slope of 6-in-12 is the minimum acceptable. |
The roof form should be dominant and substantial. The roof should constitute at least one-third of the overall height. |
The activities of arriving, off-loading luggage and waiting for fellow travelers are all made easier by covered entries, porches and porte-cocheres. |
Barrel-vault fabric canopies and other curved fabric canopies are not sympathetic to traditional Jasper architectural forms and are discouraged. Other forms of fabric canopies should be used with discretion and must not be backlit. | Color and Materials
Objective | Guideline |
Color and material used for roofs end exterior wall finishes should appear to be natural. |
Guidelines for appropriate colors and materials for the Town Centre area shall apply in the Tourist Commercial area as well. (see Color and materials) |
Buildings in these areas of town are often viewed from all sides – more so than elsewhere. There should be a consistent quality of finish and detailing on all sides. |
Materials used for the “front” sides of hotels and motels, restaurant, and retail buildings should be carried around the sides and rear as well. Expensive finishes like brick and stone may well be concentrated on the most prominent portions of the building but should be evident elsewhere as well. Material finishes should not arbitrarily terminate at corners or sidewalls. |
The shape, color and building materials used for the exterior of accessory buildings should be designed to match those used for the primary building. | Detailing
Objective | Guideline |
As for downtown commercial buildings, new buildings in Jasper’s tourist’s areas should incorporate detailing in keeping with the best of local heritage buildings. (Library, C.I.B.C., Station, Parks Canada Information Centre, etc.) |
The best of mountain hotel architecture often has bold, robust detailing. In general:
Traditional local detailing is essentially simple; complicated cabinet making skills and tools were not available in Jasper’s early days. New detailing should emulate this simplicity. Lapped joints and simple use of plain-milled trim boards is often preferable, for instance, to ornate shaped moldings. |
Decorative detailing should be inspired by local flora and fauna, rather than decorative themes of other cultures and places. Classical Greek, Italianate, Swiss, or Bavarian detailing looks out of place in jasper. Even European alpine traditional detailing is usually inappropriate in our Canadian Rockies. |
Alexander, Christopher, et. al., A Pattern Language, Oxford University Press, 1977
National Parks of Canada Land Use Planning Regulations
Ching, Francis D.K., Architecture: Form, Space, and Order, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1979
Dorward, Sherry, Design of Mountain Communities: A Landscape and Architectural Guide. Van Nostrand Reinhold,1990
Findlay, Nora, Jasper: A Backward Glance, Parks and People (Friends of Jasper National Park), Jasper-Yellowhead Historical Society, 1992
Forster, Merna, Jasper: A Walk in the Past, Parks and People. 1987
Klein, Marilyn & Fogle, David, Clues to North American Architecture. Fitzhenry and Whiteside, 1985
The Crystalline Group of the Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary, Calgary in Winter. 1988
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