Jasper National Park
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Portions of Jasper National Park remain closed or affected due to impacts from the Jasper Wildfire. Please check for up to date information.
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The United Nations created the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks World Heritage Site partly because of the incredible diversity of animals found here. Jasper National Park is home to 53 species of mammals, mammals that rely on a variety of habitats, some of which we share with them. When visiting the park, please remember that you are visiting the animals' habitat. Their continued health and survival relies on us making as little impact on their home as possible.
National Parks help protect uniquely Canadian landscapes along with the ecosystems that wildlife depend upon for their survival. When our actions reduce an animal’s wildness, the natural character of our national parks diminishes. Whether you plan to drive the roads, hike or bike the trails, or relax in town, take time to understand the important precautions wild areas demand. Your responsible behaviour affects the survival of wildlife and helps ensure your safety.
The chance of seeing wildlife is one of the most exciting things about visiting the mountain national parks. It is important to treat wild animals with respect. Approaching too closely threatens their survival. Once wildlife become accustomed to being around people, they are in danger of losing the very thing that makes them special – their wildness.
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