Meet Christine Brown
Jasper National Park

What's your position title?
I work in resource conservation and I am the project officer for wildfire risk reduction team during winter, and a fire crew member for the initial attack team in the summer.
When did you first come to Jasper?
I first came to Jasper in 2006 and stayed for 6 years. In 2011, I moved to British Columbia in order to pursue a diploma and work in forestry. I moved back to Jasper in 2017 and began my career with Parks Canada.
What was your education/career path?
In 2013, I graduated from the Forest Resources Technology diploma program at Vancouver Island University. During this program I became interested in wildfire management. I worked for the British Columbia Forest Service as a unit crew member and forest technician for 4 seasons before I moved back to Jasper (Alberta) in 2017. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Practice from Royal Roads University in order to complement my technical diploma and build a versatile and valuable skill set.
What do you do for Parks Canada?
In my current role as Project Officer, I am responsible to the agency to support the operational component of wildfire risk reduction projects as well as mitigate the impacts of fuel modification and hazard tree removal in the park. These projects are intended to mimic natural processes in order to reduce the risk of wildfire to communities, park values and our heritage places.
What would you tell a 10-year-old girl about science?
Everything is a growing process; the hurdles that appear to be the most intimidating are the most rewarding to overcome.
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