National Park Regulations
Jasper National Park
Portions of Jasper National Park remain closed or affected due to impacts from the Jasper Wildfire. Please check for up to date information.
Report violations
If you see something suspicious, do not hesitate, report it. Your information and participation contributes to the protection of this special place for all visitors.
Contact Jasper Dispatch 24/7 at 780-852-6155 or toll free 1-877-852-3100.
National Parks are unique places and therefore require unique rules and persons to enforce them.
Laws are designed to protect you, the visitor, and also the Park for enjoyment by future generations. It is your responsibility to be aware of the laws. If you have any questions please contact the Jasper Information Centre.
Park Wardens are Federal Peace Officers responsible for the protection of the National Park, and preservation and maintenance of public peace. Their primary responsibility is enforcement of the National Parks Act, however, they also enforce Criminal Code, liquor and highway regulations among others.
Breaking the law in a National Park can result in eviction, a ticket or in more serious instances, arrest. Canadian National Park offences can carry heavy fines and could result in jail time or restitution. For some offences, such as poaching or pollution, fines can be in excess of $250,000. View a complete listing of the Canada National Parks Act.
All Canada National Parks Act offences result in automatic court appearances.
What you need to know about
Activity restrictions
There are a number of outdoor activities that are not allowed in the park or require a permit. Prior to engaging in non-traditional, unusual or commercial activities, check Important bulletins/Warning and restrictions, or contact us at jasperinfo@pc.gc.ca
All aircraft must comply with Transport Canada Canadian Aviation Regulations, and National Parks of Canada Aircraft Access Regulations. You cannot take-off or land an aircraft in a national park without a Parks Canada Restricted Activity Permit. Jasper Airstrip is the only location to legally take-off and land legally an aircraft for recreational purposes.
Jasper National Park is home to caribou, bighorn sheep and mountain goats, all of which occupy treeless, alpine terrain and are known to flee from low flying aircraft. These wildlife flight guidelines are intended to help pilots alleviate some of this disturbance.
Consuming alcohol within the Park is allowed only at registered campsites, private residences or on licensed premises. Alcohol is not allowed at beaches, day use areas, cook shelters, or on trails. During certain periods of the year, campgrounds may have temporary liquor bans in effect. These will be identified through notices. It is your responsibility to be aware of the rules regarding alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption is not permitted during campground quiet hours (between 2300 and 0700).
Area closures and restrictions
Occasionally, area closures and other restrictions are required to protect Park resources and for visitor safety considerations. Closures are enforceable by law. These closures will be posted at the trailheads, access points, park offices, and information centres. Information on closures is also available on our Important bulletins page.
Use of gas motors on any waterbody in Jasper National Park is not allowed.
Electric motors are allowed on Maligne, Medicine, Talbot, Pyramid, and Patricia lakes only.
Any type of inflatable is considered a vessel when it is used for navigating and each occupant/passenger requires a life vest and safety equipment. Drinking and boating is illegal, similar to drinking and driving.
Camping is allowed in designated campgrounds only. Camping - including sleeping in a vehicle - in roadside pullouts, trailheads, and day-use areas is not allowed. See the locations of campgrounds in Jasper National Park here. The permit holder for the campsite is responsible for the site, including cleanliness, noise levels, and actions of visitors. All campers must adhere to the permit conditions.
You can ensure that you are a good neighbour and guarantee a good camping experience by respecting and adhering to the following conditions:
Campground permit conditions
- Campsites – Camping is only allowed in designated campsites.
- Noise – Excessive noise in the park at any time is not allowed.
- Washing dishes – Use a personal basin for washing dishes on your campsite (not the bathrooms or water taps).
- Washing laundry – Please use your own tub and dump water down the outdoor sink or toilets. Laundry facilities are available in Jasper townsite.
- Driving – Respect the posted speed limits and remain alert while driving in the campground. Trees may obstruct your view and pedestrians, especially children, may suddenly dart out onto the road.
- Accessing facilities – Please use roadways and pathways to access campground facilities (cook shelters, bathrooms, etc.) and your own campsite. Cutting through a neighbouring campsite will disturb other campers and may cause damage to fragile vegetation.
- Recycling – Bottles and cans (refundable containers) can be recycled in each campground near designated washroom buildings.
- Garbage – Help keep the park clean by disposing non-recyclable items into marked garbage receptacles.
- Pack in, Pack out – All backcountry campsites have "Pack In, Pack Out," rules. All garbage (food wrappers, beverage containers, etc.) brought into the site must be carried out.
- Vehicles – Vehicles staying overnight must be registered to a campsite. Campsite reservations include parking for 1 vehicle only. This vehicle can be parked on the campsite.
- Generators – Generators are permitted daily between 8 am – 10 am and 5 pm – 7 pm only.
Noise and park enjoyment
You are not allowed to interfere with others’ quiet enjoyment of the park during any part of the day or night. This includes loud music and shouting in campgrounds, and/or in day use areas.
Quiet hours
While excessive noise is not allowed at any time of the day, visitors should be aware that quiet hours are enforced between 2300 and 0700 hrs in all campgrounds.
- Quiet hours are in effect from 11 pm to 7 am year-round.
- During quiet hours, music, generators, loud conversation and consumption of alcohol are not allowed.
- Kindling or maintaining of a campfire is not allowed during quiet hours.
- Only campsite occupants are allowed on a site after 11 pm
Please remember, even quiet conversations can carry through a forested area. Please report disturbances to park staff.
Cannabis is legalized and strictly regulated in Canada. It is your responsibility to understand federal, provincial, and municipal regulations for cannabis use while visiting Jasper National Park.
Commercial film and photography permits
To care for these amazing places and ensure visitors’ wishes are fulfilled, filming activities have special considerations. All commercial activity is subject to business licencing and permits. Contact the business and realty office for details on whether your activity requires a permit. Commercial film and photography guidelines for the mountain national parks.
Day-use areas
Day-use areas, such as beaches and picnic sites, are open from 8 am to 11 pm. They are not for camping or partying at night. Liquor is not allowed at all day-use areas. Fires are only allowed where designated, metal fire boxes are available and firewood is not provided.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones) are increasing in popularity for hobbyists, photographers, and businesses. However, taking off or landing a UAV in a National Park is not allowed for recreational purposes. Learn more
As a pilot for 2019, e-bikes are permitted on all trails and areas that bicycles are permitted in Jasper National Park.
What does pedal assist mean?
Power assistance is only provided when the bike is being pedalled. When pedalling stops, the power assistance also stops. Authorized e-bikes also need to:
- generate 500W or less;
- stop power assistance when travelling 32km/h.
A bike that has an accelerator (a throttle) is not a pedal assist e-bike; it may only be ridden on roads, not on trails.
For Parks Canada‘s full definition on e-bikes, visit: parkscanada.gc.ca/ebikes
Share the trails
Be wildlife aware.
Follow proper trail etiquette.
Ride within your capability.
Bush party sites and random fires pose a serious threat to the park and facilities. Fires are only allowed in proper designated, metal fire boxes. No random fires are allowed in the Park. Do not collect deadfall or cut branches for fires. Use provided firewood only. Never leave a fire unattended. Be sure to put it out before you leave.
Please keep your campfire safe for you and the environment by following these rules:
- Keep fires small – To reduce their impact on the environment, fires must be contained within the designated metal fire boxes provided and be kept to a reasonable size. It is illegal to start a fire outside of a designated location.
- Use firewood provided – Transporting wood from elsewhere may spread invasive insects and disease. Do not burn garbage or collect deadfall from the surrounding forest for burning.
- Keep it down – Please respect your neighbour by keeping your voices down and remember kindling or maintaining of a campfire is not allowed during quiet hours (11 pm to 7 am).
- Never leave a fire unattended – Fires must be attended at all times.
- BBQs – Charcoal barbeques are allowed. Please dump cold ashes into a fire pit.
Backcountry camping – Fires are allowed in areas with designated metal fire boxes only.
Use of, selling, or purchasing fireworks, or any type of explosive, is not permitted within a National Park.
Fishing in a National Park requires a specific national park fishing licence. Provincial licences do not apply. You may pick up a fishing licence at the Jasper information centers, campgrounds, and fishing businesses in town. There are specific rules and regulations every angler must adhere to. Download the current Fishing Regulations Summary.
Please note that all of the mountain national parks have instituted a ban on all felt soled wading boots. This includes Jasper, Banff, Yoho, Kootenay, Waterton, Mount Revelstoke, and Glacier national parks. The use of felt footwear is not allowed for fishing or any other activities.
Hunting and firearms
Firearms and hunting are not permitted in national parks. If you are transporting a firearm through the park in your vehicle to another destination it must be unloaded and securely encased. Firearms include slingshots, bows, BB guns, crossbows and paintball guns.
Hunting carries serious offences in a national park.
You are not allowed to litter or leave food or other attractant where wildlife can access it. All food and garbage must be stored or disposed of in bear-proof containers. In the backcountry, all food and garbage must be packed out.
Natural and historic objects
It is illegal to collect plants, mushrooms, berries, animals, animal parts (including antlers), fossils, driftwood, rocks, signs and any historic or natural object.
If you believe you have found something significant, leave the item in place and report your finding to the nearest Parks office. Please leave these natural items for others to enjoy as well.
Off-road driving
Vehicles must remain on hardened surfaces, paved and gravel roads. The use of ATVs’, snowmobiles, dirt bikes, or other off-road vehicles is not allowed. Scooters are considered motor vehicles for these purposes and are not allowed on trails or areas closed to motor vehicle traffic.
All domestic animals must be kept under physical control (i.e. on a leash or in suitable confinement) and not become a nuisance at all times. Pets are not to be left unattended on campsites or in vehicles. It is illegal and extremely dangerous to leave your pet unattended in your car during warm weather. If left unattended, the animal may be impounded. Allowing your pet to chase any wild animal in the Park is an offence. Pets are not allowed in some areas. Look for notices at trailheads and info centres to find out where these restrictions are. Remember to clean up after your pet.
You are not allowed to have or use poisons, poisonous substances, gases, narcotics, or drugs that can be used for the purpose of capturing, injuring or killing wildlife in the park.
This includes the use of poison mouse traps. There are times when it is necessary to euthanize deer mice inside homes or businesses because they carry Hantavirus. For more information, view our proper management of deer mice in Jasper National Park page.
Vehicle weight limit on the Icefields Parkway (93 N)
The Icefields Parkway (93 North) connecting Jasper and Banff National Parks is a special use corridor. It is maintained and promoted as a scenic heritage drive and offers travellers some of the wildest and most beautiful scenery in the world. As such, it is not used or built to accommodate commercial throughway trucking.
Vehicles exceeding 4550 kg gross vehicle weight are not permitted to travel on Highway 93 North between Jasper and Lake Louise.
Buses and recreational vehicles are permitted regardless of weight.
Operating a vehicle that exceeds the maximum gross vehicle weight is an offense under the National Parks General Regulations of the Canada National Parks Act and results in an automatic court appearance. Fines are levied through the court process.
For business operators conducting business or servicing businesses along the Parkway with a vehicle exceeding the gross vehicle weight maximum, you may be eligible for an Overweight Vehicle Permit.
Overweight vehicle restriction, permitting, and information.
Wildlife viewing
You are not allowed to entice, pet or attempt to pet, harass or feed wild animals in the park. Pursuing animals with cameras is considered harassment. Animal behaviour is unpredictable and could result in injury if they are not given enough space.
Obstructing traffic is an offence and a hazard to other motorists. Pull over in designated pullouts only for viewing wildlife.
We need your help
If you see something suspicious, do not hesitate, report it. Record the following information and contact Jasper Dispatch 24/7 780-852-6155 or toll free 1-877-852-3100. You can drop this information off at any Parks Canada office.
- Date
- Time occurred
- Location (road, trail day use area)
- What happened (offence believe occurred)
- Licence plate (include province)
- Vehicle description (make, model, color)
- Number of persons, age, description (gender, race, hair, height, clothes)
- Identifying features (dents, stickers)
- Other notes
Please report any activity such as fishing offences, vehicle off-roading, littering or polluting, removal of artefacts, damage to plants, poaching, feeding and harassment of animals and public liquor use.
This is only a summary of some common regulations governing National Parks and has no legal status.
Your information and participation contributes to the protection of this special place for all visitors. Your information will remain anonymous. If you are willing to assist further please provide your name, address, and phone number.
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