Misko Finlayson
Wildfire status
Jasper National Park
Portions of Jasper National Park remain closed or affected due to impacts from the Jasper Wildfire. Please check for up to date information.
Information and updates on active wildfires are posted to the Jasper National Park Facebook and X channels.
Under control wildfires
Jasper Wildfire 2024
The Jasper Wildfire is under control, crews are now hard at work assessing and removing hazards, including dangerous trees where safe to do so.
All information on the Jasper Wildfire is available at parks.canada.ca/jasper-wildfire2024.
Extinguished wildfires
Utopia Wildfire
Time | Notes |
August 13, 2024: 6:50 pm | The Utopia Wildfire in the Miette area is extinguished. |
July 27, 2024: 8:00 pm | There was no visible smoke today on the lightning-caused Utopia wildfire high above Utopia Pass near Miette Hot Springs, originally reported on the evening of July 18. This wildfire will continue to be monitored to ensure it poses no risk to any infrastructure. Structural protection equipment from the Miette area is being relocated to the wildfire that continues to threaten infrastructure north of the town of Jasper. |
July 22, 2024: 3:00 pm | On Sunday, fire crews made good progress along the perimeter despite hot temperatures and steep terrain. Utopia wildfire in Jasper National Park remains less than 2 hectares in size with no significant growth since July 19. Fire crews are out on the ground again today working on the Utopia wildfire perimeter, with helicopters transporting water to their remote location. Helicopters fill a portable water reservoir high on the mountain to supply firefighters with water, which gets pumped into fire hoses to directly put out burning vegetation and smoldering duff, soil and roots. |
July 21, 2024: 12:46 pm | Fire crews are working to establish a perimeter around the wildfire. Today, helicopters will water bucket the area and support two ground crews with direct firefighting on the perimeter. Crews have cleared a helicopter landing spot and set up a portable water tank for direct suppression. They are also removing danger trees and clearing access points today. Utopia wildfire remains estimated at less than 2 hectares in size, with no significant fire growth or spread since the initial response on July 19. |
July 20, 2024: 1:05 pm | Status: Out of control. The Utopia wildfire estimated size is 2 hectares. Jasper National Park monitored the Utopia wildfire throughout the night with satellite infrared imaging. On Saturday, ground crews will be able to support firefighting efforts in steep terrain with continued bucketing. Structural protection is in progress on facilities at the Hot Springs and Miette Bungalows. This area is under a proactive evacuation alert. Miette Hot Springs Road is only open to guests and staff of Miette Bungalows, Miette Campground, and Miette Mountain Cabins. |
July 19, 2024: 10:25 pm | Utopia wildfire was reported Thursday evening, July 18, high above Utopia Pass and about 2 km from Miette Hot Springs. This lightning-caused wildfire is about 2 hectares in size, burning near treeline on steep slopes. Parks Canada is using helicopter bucketing to contain this wildfire. |
Needle Peak Wildfire
Time | Notes |
July 21, 2024: 2:00 pm | The Needle Peak wildfire is now extinguished. This is the last update on this fire. |
July 21, 2024: 12:46 pm | This wildfire is under control. A fire crew has secured the perimeter of the fire and will continue work on the ground today to extinguish this wildfire. |
July 20, 2024: 1:05 pm | Status: Under control. The Needle Peak wildfire estimated size is 0.3 hectares. Ground firefighters and helicopter bucketing are working to extinguish this wildfire. |
July 19, 2024: 10:25 pm | Last night’s lightning started a second wildfire in the Simon Creek drainage, on the slopes of Needle Peak in a remote valley of the park. Firefighters on the ground and helicopter bucketing are holding this wildfire at less than one hectare in size. No people, trails or infrastructure are impacted by this wildfire. |
Bald Hills Wildfire
Time | Notes |
July 20, 2024: 1:05 pm | Status: Extinguished The Bald Hills wildfire estimated size remains 0.2 hectares. Helicopter bucketing was deployed within 20 minutes of receiving the report. On Saturday, a helicopter is bucketing the wildfire from small water bodies south of the summit of Bald Hills with support of ground crews. |
July 19, 2024: 8:38 pm | Parks Canada fire crews are currently responding to a wildfire in Jasper National Park, approximately 2 km west of Moose Lake Loop at Maligne Lake. The wildfire is about 0.2 hectares in size. Parks Canada is using two helicopters with water buckets to contain the wildfire. |
Transfer Station fire
Time | Notes |
May 1, 2024 | The Transfer Station fire is now extinguished. This is the last update on this fire. |
April 17, 2024: 4:15 pm | The fire at the transfer station remains under control but smoke might be visible at times. Fire specialists are monitoring the fire and the area closely. The fire was most likely caused by a debris burn pile at the transfer station that was lit last Thursday as part of Parks Canada’s regular burning operations. With Monday’s strong winds in the valley bottom, the pile rekindled, and sparks were carried to the dry grass. We will provide another update when the fire is extinguished. |
April 16, 2024: 4:00 pm | The fire at the transfer station is now under control at approximately 0.8 hectares. Crews are still working on extinguishing the fire within the perimeter. Due to the presence of hazardous materials within the fire perimeter, it could take a few days before the fire is completely extinguished. Next update: April 17, 2024 |
April 15, 2024: 6:50 pm | The wildfire within the transfer station is now contained. Crews are now working on extinguishing the fire within the perimeter. The Jasper Fire Department is assessing the presence of hazardous materials in the recycling piles and determining the best method of extinguishing them. Thanks to early public reporting, Parks Canada fire crews and the Jasper Fire Department were able to respond quickly. Timely reporting and response time are crucial, especially in windy conditions. We will provide an update when new information is available. |
April 15, 2024: 5:20 pm | Parks Canada fire crews and the Jasper Fire Department are responding to a wildfire around the transfer station, located approximately 9 km northeast of the Jasper townsite. Smoke is visible from Highway 16. Fire specialists are on site assessing the situation. We will provide an update when new information is available. |
Corral Creek wildfire
Time | Notes |
September 8, 2023: 1:35 pm | The Corral Creek wildfire is now extinguished. This is the last update on this wildfire. |
September 6, 2023: 12:00 pm | The Corral Creek wildfire is now considered under control at 3 hectares. With current weather conditions and resources, this wildfire is not anticipated to grow. |
September 3, 2023: 11:00 am | The Corral Creek wildfire is now considered being held at 3 hectares. Parks Canada fire crews made good progress yesterday despite battling strong winds. Conditions are favourable on Sunday for the crews to continue reinforcing the perimeter and extinguishing hot spots. With current weather conditions and resources, this wildfire is not anticipated to grow past expected boundaries. |
September 2, 2023: 1:15 pm | Two Parks Canada fire crews and a helicopter are working on the lightning-caused Corral Creek wildfire. Today’s objective is to hold the wildfire at its current location next to the Athabasca River. Smoke and helicopter bucketing operations are visible from Highway 16. |
September 1, 2023: 7:00 pm | Parks Canada is responding to the Corral Creek wildfire, located south of Athabasca Island, along the Athabasca River, approximately 20 km northeast of Jasper townsite. The fire is estimated to be 3 ha in size. Smoke is visible from Highway 16. Early tomorrow morning, two Parks Canada fire crews and a helicopter will be conducting direct suppression operations. |
Minaga Creek wildfire
Time | Notes |
July 25, 2023: 2:40 pm | The Minaga Creek wildfire is now extinguished. This is the last update on this wildfire. |
July 24, 2023: 1:11 pm | The Minaga Creek wildfire is now considered ‘Under control’. Parks Canada’s fire crews are working to extinguish remaining hot spots within the perimeter of the fire. |
July 23, 2023: 3:05 pm | The lightning-caused Minaga Creek wildfire is now considered being held at 0.6 hectares. With current weather conditions and resources, this wildfire is not anticipated to grow past expected boundaries. Thanks to early public reporting on Saturday afternoon, Parks Canada fire crews and helicopters were able to respond quickly. The trees and ground cover in this area are dry and strong wind conditions increased the spread of this wildfire. Timely reporting and response time is crucial, especially in windy conditions. Report any wildfires, illegal campfires or suspicious smoke to Parks Canada Dispatch at 780-852-6155 or call 911. |
July 23, 2023: 10:00 am | There has been no growth. |
July 23, 2023: 8:15 am | Parks Canada firefighters were able to reinforce the perimeter of the Minaga Creek wildfire and determine the cause as lightning. Once the smoke cleared, firefighters more accurately mapped the size at 0.6 hectares. Direct suppression work continues Sunday with two helicopters bucketing and two fire crews on the ground. Later today, an Initial Attack Crew will conduct more helicopter patrols to search for any other lightning caused wildfires. |
July 22, 2023: 5:41 pm | Parks Canada fire crews are currently responding to an out-of-control wildfire in Jasper National Park. The wildfire is located approximately 6 km north of Highway 16 (by the west park gate) and approximately 22 km west of the Jasper townsite. The fire is approximately 2 to 3 ha in size. Parks Canada Initial Attack crew and helicopter are currently on site conducting direct suppression activities. We will provide an update when new information is available. |
Portal Creek wildfire
Time | Notes |
June 7, 2023: 4:50 pm |
The Portal Creek wildfire is now extinguished The cause of the fire is still under investigation, but the fire was likely started by a bear cub that was electrocuted and found at the fire source beneath a power pole. This is the last update on the Portal Creek wildfire. |
June 5, 2023: 8:45 am |
Wildfire update The Portal Creek wildfire is now considered ‘Under control’. Parks Canada’s fire crews are working to extinguish remaining hot spots within the perimeter of the fire. No growth occurred on this wildfire and the size remains the same at approximately 1.7 ha. We will provide an update when new information is available. |
June 4, 2023: 3:12 pm |
Wildfire update Parks Canada’s fire crews have now contained the perimeter of the Portal Creek wildfire and the fire is now classified as ‘Being held’. Today, crews will continue with suppression activities around the perimeter and work on extinguishing any hot spots. No growth occurred on this wildfire and the size remains the same at approximately 1.7 ha. We will provide an update when new information is available. Background: Smoke was reported to Jasper Dispatch at 16:41 on Saturday, June 3, 2023, and immediately actioned by Parks Canada fire crews and two helicopters. The wildfire is located along a power line near Portal Creek, between Highway 93A and the Athabasca River, approximately 10 km south of the Jasper townsite. |
June 4, 2023: 12:15 pm |
Wildfire update With the support of a helicopter, two Parks Canada fire crews are continuing with suppression activities on the Portal Creek wildfire in Jasper National Park. The fire is approximately 1.7 ha in size, with approximately 95% of the perimeter contained. We will provide an update when new information is available. |
June 3, 2023: 7:35 pm |
Parks Canada fire crews are currently responding to an out of control wildfire in Jasper National Park. The wildfire is located near Portal Creek, between Highway 93A and the Athabasca River, approximately 10 km south of the Jasper townsite. The fire is approximately 1 to 2 ha in size. Two Parks Canada Initial Attack crews and two helicopters are currently on site conducting direct suppression activities. We will provide an update when new information is available. |
Wildfire near Snaring Overflow Campground, south of Morrow Bridge
Time | Notes |
June 2, 2023: 12:06 pm | The small wildfire near Snaring Overflow Campground, south of Morrow Bridge is now extinguished Yesterday afternoon, wildfire specialists responded to a small fire which was located north of the Snaring Overflow Campground and south of Morrow Bridge, at approximately 9 km north of the Jasper townsite. The fire was approximately 0.2 ha in size. |
June 1, 2023: 5:48 pm | Parks Canada fire crews are currently responding to an under control wildfire in Jasper National Park The wildfire is located north of the Snaring Overflow Campground and south of Morrow Bridge approximately 9 km north of the Jasper townsite. The fire is approximately 0.2 ha in size with one crew and a helicopter are currently on site, conducting direct suppression activities. It is considered under control and will not require any further firefighting resources. We will provide an update when new information is available. |
2022 (Chetamon Wildfire)
Chetamon wildfire
On April 29, 2023, Parks Canada completed a high-resolution infrared scan of the north perimeter of the Chetamon wildfire to look for any current fire activity held over from last fall. Leading into the winter months, the north perimeter was the most active and was considered the head of the wildfire. Smoke was observed on the wildfire on March 20, 2023, at the north end. Since then, no fire activity has been reported or noted. The infrared scan was conducted twice over the entire north end of the fire perimeter and did not detect any remaining hotspots. Considering these results and the lack of smoke or fire activity, the Chetamon wildfire is now considered “under control”.
Safety is Parks Canada's first priority. We continue to monitor the park for new wildfires and are ready to respond quickly. Report any sign of wildfire to Parks Canada Dispatch 780-852-6155.

Wildfire near the Transfer Station
Time | Notes |
May 31, 2022: 5:00 pm |
UPDATE: The small wildfire near the Transfer Station is now contained and under control Further updates will be made only if new information is available or if the situation changes. |
May 31, 2022: 11:15 am |
UPDATE: Parks Canada’s fire crews continue with suppression activities on small wildfire |
May 30, 2022: 10:40 pm |
Jasper National Park Fire Crews respond to a small wildfire |
Helpful links
- Jasper National Park warnings and closures
- Environment Canada
- Alberta Health Services air quality info or call Health Link 8-1-1
- Local air quality data
- Live smoke forecast
- Road conditions and access updates or call 5-1-1
- Emergency preparedness tips
- Past wildfires
Alberta and BC wildfire information
Both provinces maintain special wildfire and fire ban information websites:
British Columbia
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