Waterton Lakes National Park
Notice to anglers
Issued: April 01, 2024
Pursuant to Section 35(1) of the National Parks Fishing Regulations, these supplementary restrictions apply to all waters in Waterton Lakes National Park by order of the Superintendent. Refer to the National Parks Fishing Regulations and the annual National Parks Fishing Regulation Summary for additional season dates and regulations. Additional self-certification requirements are in place for the inspection of fishing equipment/gear.
FISHING SEASON – The open season is now JULY 1 to OCTOBER 31 for the following water bodies:
Alderson Lake
Bertha Lake
Carthew Lakes
Crypt Lake
Goat Lake
Lineham Lakes
Lone Lake
Lower Waterton (Knight’s) Lake,
Park Gate Ponds
Twin Lakes
CLOSED WATERS – All flowing waters are now CLOSED to angling. This includes but is not limited to the following watercourses and their tributaries:
Bauerman Creek
Belly River (main channel and the North Fork)
Blakiston (Pass) Creek
Cameron Creek
Crooked Creek
Dungarvan Creek
Maskinonge Lake and Inlet (Waterton River)
Sofa (Stoney) Creek
Waterton River (including the Dardanelles between Middle and Lower Waterton Lakes)
The use of natural bait and chemical attractants for fishing is PROHIBITED in all waters.
Cutthroat trout: Zero limit for Belly River and tributaries, Goat Lake (as of April 1, 2011), Upper, Middle & Lower Waterton Lakes, and the Waterton River and tributaries.
Bull trout: Zero limit, all waters.
The use of felt-soled wading boots is PROHIBITED in all waters.
The use of barbed hooks is PROHIBITED in all waters. Barbs must be removed or pinched to the shaft of the hook.

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