Aerial shot of wildfire burning through a forest in Waterton Lakes National Park
Text on screen: In September 2017, the Kenow Wildfire burned in Waterton Lakes National Park
Text on screen: It burned with extreme intensity and moved quickly
Aerial shot of the Blakiston Valley, burnt post fire
Text on screen: Over 19,000 hectares of the park burned that night
Aerial shot of burned trees and smoky valleys
Text on screen: That’s 39% of the park’s area
Photo of two bears feeding on an animal fatality as a result of the fire
Text on screen: The fire’s extreme nature led to some animal casualties
Photo of a bear on the burnt landscape
Video of an elk herd running across the road
Text on screen: But many animals survived
Photo of an elk on burned landscape
Text on screen: Most large mammals observed soon after the fire appeared healthy
Photo of a moose among the burned trees
Remote camera images of a black bear on a trail
Text on screen: This is a local black bear two days after the fire
Remote camera images of the bear walking through the snow
Text on screen: She was healthy as she moved into hibernation
A mom bear and her three cubs cross the Entrance road in Waterton Lakes National Park
Text on screen: In the spring of 2018 she emerged with three cubs
Shot of spring wildflowers with burnt forest in the background
Text on screen: Grasses and other plants had regrown quickly
Remote camera video of the mom bear and her three cubs
Text on screen: The bear family were able to feed on the post-fire landscape
Zoom in to the bear and three cubs bathing in a lake
Text on screen: In late summer, they moved into unburned areas in search of berries
Night-time remote camera shot of the bear and her three cubs walking along a trail
Text on screen: Late summer and fall are critical times for bears to gain fat before hibernation
Photo of an elk herd on Blakiston Fan
Text on screen: Waterton’s wildlife are adapting to the fire-affected landscape
Aerial shot of Waterton Townsite and surrounding areas
Text on screen: The Kenow Wildfire has created big changes in Waterton Lakes National Park
Aerial shot of the Blakiston Valley and Red Rock Parkway
Text on screen: Renewal may take years and look different but it is already taking place
Shot of a bear walking along the Akamina Parkway
Text on screen: Wildfire is a natural process
Text on screen: Nature finds a way