Fire protection and restoration projects
Glacier National Park
Parks Canada is committed to restoring fire to the landscape, benefiting communities and ecosystems. Wildfires are a natural part of forest ecosystems. They contribute to improve forest health and reduce the long-term risk of wildfire to communities. Historical fire suppression has caused a significant decline in ecosystem health and diversity of species within the mountain national parks.
Public safety is at the core of everything that we do. We take the threat of wildfire seriously and fire protection is part of our daily operations. We take actions to reduce the potential impacts of a wildfire while improving forest health. Below you will find information on fire protection and restoration projects within Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks.
2024 Prescribed fires
Prescribed fire operations will only be conducted when predetermined weather and site conditions are met.
Prescribed fires help to return fire to the landscape, restore healthy forests and grasslands, enhance habitat for wildlife, and reduce the risk of wildfire to our communities.
Mount Revelstoke National Park
- Date: To be confirmed
- Size: 150 ha
- Location: Meadows in the Sky Parkway, Mount Revelstoke National Park
- Additional details:
The goal of this prescribed fire is to reduce the risk of wildfire spreading on the front face of Mount Revelstoke and protect neighbouring lands by creating a safety zone for staff and visitors in the event of a wildfire in Mount Revelstoke National Park. It will also reintroduce fire in a controlled fashion to an area where fire exclusion has occurred.
Lower Parkway
- Date: To be confirmed
- Size: 19 ha
- Location: Lower Parkway and Park Boundaries
- Additional details:
This is risk reduction work, including thinning, tree-clearing and brush pile burning. This project is being carried out in partnership with British Columbia Wildfire Service and the City of Revelstoke in support of the City of Revelstoke’s 2015 Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
- Date: August - September 2025 (dates to be confirmed based on weather)
- Size: 142 ha
- Location: Meadows in the Sky Parkway, Mount Revelstoke National Park
- Additional details:
Located in the Intensive Fire Management Zone of the park, this prescribed fire will further strengthen the landscape-level fuel break created by the Parkway Bend Prescribed Fire area. The goal is to limit the potential spread of wildfire on the front face of Mount Revelstoke, while maintaining and restoring ecological integrity.
Glacier National Park
Flat Creek - completed
- Date: Complete
- Size: 580 ha
- Location: Base of Mt. Smart and Mt. Fidelity
- Additional details:
The objective is to introduce fire to the landscape where fire suppression has reduced burnt area. This will generate habitat for fire-dependent species such as whitebark pine, various species of bats, and olive-sided flycatchers. It will also reduce wildfire spreading potential within the Flat Creek and Illecillewaet River drainages, protecting the transportation corridor.
20-mile - completed
- Date: Complete
- Size: 3200 ha
- Location: Southern Glacier National Park within the Beaver Valley
- Additional details:
The goal of this prescribed fire is to introduce fire to the landscape in a controlled fashion where fire exclusion has occurred. This will help facilitate whitebark pine regeneration, protect neighbouring lands and encourage habitat for others species at risk.
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