Interpretive program
Kootenay National Park
Explore. Learn. Connect. Park interpreters are here to share fun experiences with visitors in the park. Join us for an evening program or outdoor activity during your visit to the park! Programs are available to everyone, and you don't need to be staying in a campground to join in the fun.
Evening Theatre Programs
Redstreak Campground – Located on Redstreak Road, 2.5 km from the village of Radium Hot Springs.
Daily from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Please visit the campground kiosk for the detailed theatre program schedule. Programs only offered in English, but all are welcome. You do not need to be staying in the campground to attend.
Activities with Interpreters

Activity stations and roving interpreters
This summer, look for our interpreters all over the park. Some will be holding activity tables in fixed locations, while others will be presenting travelling exhibits at various points along trails and in campsites. Activities, animal skins, fossils and much more to discover!
Xplorers Program

Are you aged 6-11? Do you like to hike or bike, complete a quiz or crossword puzzle, or use your GPS to find a mystery location?
Then the Xplorers program is just the right adventure for you!
Xplorer kids and their families discover cool facts about Kootenay National Park by completing activities from the Xplorers Booklet while visiting Kootenay.
There are 16 pages of activities in the Xplorers booklet and you need to complete at least 6 of them to receive a souvenir.
Where do you get information and pick up your Xplorers Booklet?
Visit one of the following locations or speak to a park interpreter to pick up an Xplorers booklet and learn about other activities and programs for kids in Kootenay National Park.
- Kootenay Visitor Centre, Radium, B.C.
- Lake Louise Visitor Centre, 201 Village Road, Lake Louise
- Parks Canada Campground Kiosks
What happens after you’ve completed 6 activities in your Xplorers Booklet?
Head to one of the following locations to receive an Xplorers certificate and souvenir. You can choose to participate in an informal Xplorers ceremony acknowledging your achievements.
- Kootenay Visitor Centre, Radium, B.C.
- Lake Louise Visitor Centre, 201 Village Road, Lake Louise
- Parks Canada Interpretive Programs (summer only)
Can you participate in the Xplorers Club Program if you're not visiting Kootenay National Park?
The Xplorers Club is best experienced while in a national park. There are also Xplorers booklets for: Yoho National Park, Banff National Park, the Icefields Parkway, and the Cave and Basin National Historic Site. Do them all!
Guided audio tour

Enjoy the brand new Kootenay guided audio tour as you travel one of BC’s most scenic highways. Hear behind-the-scenes stories from Parks Canada staff and get insider tips on where to stop.
On the app you’ll find maps, photos, information and quizzes that will make your visit even more memorable, informative and fun! This app is your perfect travel companion.
Explore the app to find:
- GPS-triggered guided tours
- Location-specific photos and information about each site and its history
- Quiz questions to challenge your knowledge and observation skills
- Insider information from experienced interpreters and Parks Canada staff
Download the Parks Canada app from the App Store or Google Play.
Remember to download the app before you arrive, there is no cell coverage or Wi-Fi in Kootenay National Park!
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