Yoho National Park
Restricted activity order: Trail bicycling
Issued: August 22, 2013
What: Pursuant to Section 7(1) of the General Regulation of the Canada National Parks Act, bicycles and bicycling on trails within Yoho National Park is prohibited by order of the Superintendent with the exception of the trails listed below.
In addition to the bicycle restriction on trails, bicycles and bicycling OFF TRAIL, and activities associated with building and maintaining trails by unauthorized persons are also PROHIBITED.
Why: Bicycling on trails, bicycling off trails, and building and maintaining trails by unauthorized persons has been determined as inappropriate activity within Yoho National Park.
Where: Throughout Yoho National Park
- Great Divide (Old 1A Hwy): From the Lake O'Hara Road/Trans Canada Highway to Lake Louise Drive in Banff National Park.
- Ross Lake Trail: From Ross Lake junction, on the Great Divide Trail, up to Ross Lake, then east to Lake Louise in Banff National Park.
- Tally Ho Trail: From the Trans Canada Highway, 1 km west of Field, to Emerald Lake Road.
- Kicking Horse Trail: From Natural Bridge to Otterhead River.
- Amiskwi Trail: From the Amiskwi Trail junction, on the Kicking Horse Trail, up to Otto Creek.
- Otterhead Trail: From Otterhead Trail junction, on the Kicking Horse Trail, up to the Tocher Ridge junction.
- Ottertail Trail: From the Trans Canada Highway to McArthur Warden Cabin.
- Ice River Trail: From Hoodoo Creek Campground to Lower Ice River Warden Cabin.
Date: August 13, 2013
Approved by:
Melanie KWONG
Superintendent, Lake Louise, Yoho and Kootenay Field Unit

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