
Yoho National Park

Temporary area closures for avalanche control

Issued: November 01, 2024

Ends: May 30, 2025

Avalanche Closure Zones are periodically in effect from November to May, annually, within Banff, Yoho, and Kootenay national parks. These closures are to ensure public safety during Avalanche Control Operations.

Visit the closure zones page for details about each of the Intermittent Avalanche Closure Zones within Banff, Yoho, and Kootenay national parks.

Details of Restricted Activity Order:

WHAT: Pursuant to Section 36(1) of the National Parks General Regulations of the Canada National Parks Act, the Superintendents authorize, annually, the temporary closure of small, posted areas, to all traffic and travel, as and when required, for the purpose of Avalanche Control Operations. Avalanche control is done to protect roadways and railways within the National Parks.

WHERE: Banff, Yoho and Kootenay National Parks. Designated avalanche paths, and adjacent areas within the National Parks, may be temporarily closed, to restrict public access during avalanche control operations. Areas affected by such closures are indicated in the field through permanent warning signs. Timing of closures is determined by avalanche forecasters and will be communicated the day prior through social media, avalanche bulletins and temporary closure signage. These closures are generally short in duration (approximately 24 - 36 hours).

WHY: To ensure public safety by preventing human-use near avalanche slide paths when staff are artificially triggering avalanches to reduce risks for park motorists and railway operations. Please note that staff use various tools to do this, including remotely operated devices that allow for control any time of the day or night.

PENALTY: Violators may be charged under the Canada National Parks Act: maximum penalty $25 000.

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