Yoho National Park
Issued: November 01, 2024
Ends: April 30, 2025

What: Pursuant to Section 7(1) of the National Parks General Regulations, of the Canada National Parks Act, the walking, exercising or use of dogs is prohibited on the following signed cross-country ski trails when snow covered in Yoho National Park, by order of the Superintendent.
Where: Kicking Horse Trail, Tally Ho Trail, Emerald Lake Connector, Emerald Alluvial Fan loop, Emerald Lake Horse Trail, Lake O'Hara
Fire Road and Ross Lake
Why: Dogs are not allowed on these groomed cross country ski trails when covered in snow.
Penalty: Violators may be charged under the National Parks
General Regulations: maximum fine $25,000.
Start Date: 2024-11-01
End Date: 2025-04-30

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