Yoho National Park
RESTRICTED ACTIVITY - Pedal Electric Bikes (e-bikes)
Issued: July 22, 2019
Pedal electric bicycles (e-bikes) are only permitted on the designated bike trails in Yoho National Park.
WHAT: Pursuant to Section 7(1) of the National Parks General Regulations, power-assisted bicycles are prohibited on all Yoho National Park trails except for Tallyho, Kicking Horse, Ross Lake, Otterhead, Ottertail River, Ice River and Amiskwi by order of the Superintendent.
WHERE: Tally-ho, Kicking Horse, Ross Lake, Otterhead, Ottertail River, Ice River and Amiskwi.
PENALTY: Violators may be charged under the Canada National Parks Act: maximum penalty $25,000.
Effective date: 2019-07-22
Approved by Rick Kubian, A/Superintendent, Lake Louise Yoho Kootenay Field Unit.
For more information, call Banff Park Dispatch at 403.762.1470.

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