Olive-sided flycatcher
Yoho National Park
Quick facts
Found in open coniferous forests
Eats flying insects
Winters in Central and South America
Status: Special Concern

The olive-sided flycatcher is known for its three note whistle: "Quick, three beers!"
Canada provides summer range for the olive-sided flycatcher. This bird favours open habitats, perching in tall or dead trees and darting off to hunt insects. The olive-sided flycatcher migrates long distances. It flies over 8,000 kilometers to winter in the Andes Mountains of South America. This makes it vulnerable to threats along its route.
Like many other song birds, flycatcher numbers are dropping.
Where to see
Look and listen for olive-sided flycatchers near avalanche paths or old burnt forests.
Why is the olive-sided flycatcher in danger?
Exactly what is causing the decline of this species is unclear. Probable threats include:
- lack of insect prey, which can be impacted by chemicals, climate change and habitat conditions, and
- loss of open habitats due to fire suppression, deforestation and other human activities.
What are we doing to help this species?
In Yoho National park we are working to protect the summer range of this bird by:
- monitoring for breeding birds in the park
- using prescribed fire to open up the forest and provide more nesting habitat

Learn more
Species at Risk Public Registry - Species profile: Olive-sided Flycatcher
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