Realty and Townsite services
Riding Mountain National Park
Wasagaming is a picturesque townsite with interesting heritage and architecture, the perfect place to stay when exploring Riding Mountain National Park. Camping, accommodation rentals, recreational and watersports complimented by great dining and shopping are all conveniently located on the shores of Clear Lake and nature’s doorstep.
Wasagaming Townsite
Frequently asked questions
Do businesses need to renew their business licences if they are closed?
Business licences are required for a business to operate as a valid business in the townsite. Any business that plans to operate/open (including restaurants that may offer take out or delivery services and all contractors performing services) must renew its business licence prior to opening. If a business is closed, it is not necessary to renew the business licence as long as the business remains closed.
How do I make a payment for Parks Canada invoices?
- Online with a credit card at parks.canada.ca/payment
- On the phone with a credit card by calling (204) 848-7275; If no one is available via phone please leave a message and we will get back to you.
- By mail: Riding Mountain National Park, Box 299, Onanole, MB R0J 1N0
- In person at 135 Wasagaming Drive
Please call the Realty Administration staff if you have questions about any of these areas:
- Residential and Commercial
- Development and Building Applications
- Compliance Monitoring
- Leases and Licences of Occupation
- Business Licencing Services
- Guiding and Outfitting Licencing Services
- Utility Billing
- Stakeholder Groups
Hours of operation Monday to Friday 9 am to 12 pm & 12:30 pm to 3 pm. |
Parks Canada Administration Office Riding Mountain National Park 135 Wasagaming Drive Wasagaming, MB |
Phone: 204-848-7275 | |
Email: rmnp.info@pc.gc.ca |
Important bulletins (Public Notices) when the situation requiring a notice arises |
Building and Development
Parks Canada’s Land Use Planning Program
The Land Use Planning Program, which began in 2018, was a national effort to update the regulations and policies that manage land use and construction in Parks Canada places. The program has worked to produce a modernized set of regulations that set out criteria for issuing building permits and outline acceptable development within national parks.
December 2024 Update
Please be aware that the Land Use Planning Regulations and associated fees are now in place in Riding Mountain National Park, including within Wasagaming. These regulations have replaced the following, including any fees that were listed in them:
- National Parks of Canada Building Regulations
- National Parks of Canada Cottages Regulations
- National Parks Signs Regulations
- Town of Jasper Zoning Regulations
If you are planning a project involving new land uses, or any development or construction activities, your project is subject to the new regulations and associated fees. Permits that were already issued under the former regulations will remain valid.
For more information, please see Parks Canada’s land use planning and permitting website.
For details on how the new framework and fees were developed, please see the Land Use Planning Program’s consultation website.
When is a Permit Required?
- Constructing, altering or renovating any building, garage or accessory structure such as a shed or a deck
- Connection to the water/sewer system
- Repairing, updating, or adding electrical or plumbing systems
- Demolishing or moving a building
- Expanding or renovating your store, shop, office or commercial enterprise
- Changing the use of a lot or building
- Installing, changing or relocating a sign
- Planting trees or other vegetation
- Changing the landscaping, excavating, or grading (including tree removal)
- Adding fill gravel or other material
- Installing an exterior light
- Building a fence, patio, or deck
Why are permits important?
Obtaining the proper permits for your project ensures that your project complies with Parks Canada’s plans, policies, park guidelines and environmental impacts.
To reach a development officer, please call 204-848-7275 or email rmnp.development@pc.gc.ca. Meetings are available by appointment only.
When is a Sign Permit Required?
A sign permit is required to install, alter or relocate any sign including wall/window and hanging signs, canopy/awning signs, directory and menu signs and free standing signs.
Guiding Legislation/Regulations links
National Parks of Canada Land Use Planning RegulationsPlease contact us for additional information, including permit fees and development policies for the cabin, cottage and commercial areas.
Our Realty office will assist you with all aspects of leases and licences of occupation for cabin, cottage, north shore and commercial areas.
Please contact us when:
- Updating your mailing address and/or other contact information.
- Selling or buying (commonly called Assignment of Lease). This includes:
- All lessees selling to another person or persons, or a corporation.
- One or more lessees selling their Tenant in Common share of the lease.
- Removing names from a lease, or adding names to the lease.
- The sale of shares of a commercial lease.
- Circumstances that will affect your lease:
- Changing your legal name due to marriage, divorce or other.
- A lessee has passed away.
- Change the tenancy stated on your lease (between Joint Tenants or Tenants in Common).
- Changing directors with signing authority (when the lease is held by a corporation).
- The lessee’s control and authority has been given over to a Public Trustee or Guardian.
- Power of Attorney giving authority to others to manage your lease or other form of written instruction.
- Estate planning – options for your specific lease.
- Commercial Lessees are transacting with tenants and need to register a sublease.
- Mortgaging your lease and/or discharging an existing mortgage. All mortgages must be registered with Parks Canada.
Please note that assignments and mortgages are NOT registered with the Manitoba Land Titles Office and must be submitted to the Parks Canada office only.
Please contact the Realty office for current fees for these transactions or any other questions. RMNPRealty@pc.gc.ca
Business Licences
Working in Riding Mountain National Park
National Parks of Canada Businesses Regulations
Business licences
A business licence is required for all businesses, companies, guides and/or outfitters prior to operating in Riding Mountain National Park.
Parks Canada issues the following licences and permits:
- Business licences
- Guiding/Outfitters licences
- Special events permits
** Each contractor and sub-contractor requires their own business licence to work in the park. **
New Business Proposal: If you are proposing a new business in Riding Mountain or changing the scope of an existing business please contact us.
Changes to your business licence
Please contact us for any of the following business changes:
- Transfer to another owner (a new business licence application must be completed by the new owner)
- Change to business name or contact information
- Change of address or work site location
- Change to nature of the business
- Addition to the existing business
Business Licence Renewals
Business licence renewals will be processed on or after April 1st of each year. Parks Canada will send a renewal letter and invoice late in March with instructions on how to renew your licence.
Most common business licence fees in Riding Mountain National Park
Please contact us for additional information including business licence fees, new business approval process or any other questions RMNPRealty@pc.gc.ca