
Riding Mountain National Park

Restricted activity - Elm wood

Issued: April 01, 2024

Pursuant to subsection 7(1) of the National Parks General Regulations, which is stated as follows:

7(1). The superintendent may, where it is necessary for the proper management of the Park to do so, designate certain activities, uses or entry and travel in areas in a Park as restricted or prohibited.


  • The collection, or possession of bark-on elm wood within all of Riding Mountain National Park. The disposal of all elm wood is mandatory.
  • "disposal" means

    (a) the removal of all of the bark from an elm tree by burning or other means,

    (b) the chipping of all of the branches or the main stem of an elm tree, resulting in chips that have a thickness of wood adhering to the bark in one dimension of not more than 5 centimetres,

    (c) the burial of all parts of an elm tree to a depth of not less than 25 centimetres below the soil line, in conjunction with permits issued by Parks Canada.

    (d) the treatment of elm wood with a registered insecticide that prevents the survival of the elm bark beetle, in conjunction with permits issued by Parks Canada.

  • The pruning, or cutting of Elm trees is prohibited between the dates of April 1st and July 31st. Trees may be removed at all times of year, in conjunction with permits from Parks Canada.