Wapusk National Park
Location: Wapusk National Park
P.O. Box 127 (1 Mantayo Seepee Meskanow)
Churchill, MB R0B 0E0
Phone number: 204-675-8863
Phone number: 1-888-773-8888 (toll free)
Phone number: 1-866-787-6221 (teletypewriter/TTY)
Phone number: 204-675-2026 (fax)
Email address: manitoba@pc.gc.ca
Find out more about Wapusk National Park at the Parks Canada Visitor Centre located in downtown Churchill at the historic train station.
Phone number: 204-675-8863Email address: manitoba@pc.gc.ca
Parks Canada - Churchill
Phone number: 204-675-8863 (Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4:30 pm)
Parks Canada Emergency Dispatch
Phone number: 1-877-852-3100 (24 hour) (Note: The 1-877 number may not work with satellite phones.)
Phone number: 1-780-852-3100 (24 hour) (Operated by Jasper National Park.)
Phone number: 911
Phone number: 204-675-8821 (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
Phone number: 204-675-8880 (ambulance - 24 hour)
Phone number: 204-675-8300 (hospital - 24 hour)
Polar Bear Alert Hotline
Please call the Polar Bear Alert Line:
Phone number: 204-675-BEAR (204-675-2327)
- If you see a bear in Churchill or on the town border
- If you observe a bear near any outlying residential area (i.e., Goose Creek, Camp Nanuk, Churchill Northern Studies Centre)
Related links
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