Bears in the mountain national parks
Banff Wildlife Guardians
Wildlife Guardians in Banff National Park play an important role in managing active wildlife jams along secondary roads such as the Bow Valley Parkway and Highway 93 North. Watch for the Wildlife Guardians at popular day-use areas as they share their wildlife stories with visitors and provide information about bears and how to view wildlife safely and respectfully.
Jasper Wildlife Guardians
Jasper’s Wildlife Guardians monitor wildlife jams of all types and provide the same valuable information on how to view these animals responsibly.
A Helping Hand for the Black Bear
- Learn about bears outside of the Rocky Mountain national parks through this interactive activity about the population, habitat, diet and adaptation of black bears in La Mauricie National Park.
Community Programs
In the parks: Visitor Centres, trailhead kiosks, and park interpreters are great resources when it comes to bear information.
Park web sites: provide bear safety information and updates on bear-related warnings, restrictions or closures. Check for interpretive program schedules, special events, and volunteer opportunities.
Video resources
What is aversive conditioning? Become an expert in bear management lingo with the help of these quick definitions.
Related links
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