Banff, Yoho and Kootenay National Parks: weekly bear report

Bears in the mountain national parks

Weekly bear reports have ended for the 2022 season and will start again in the spring of 2023. Bear sightings decrease in the winter but this doesn’t mean they aren’t still around. Remain bear-aware all year round.

Although bear sightings and activities slow down during the winter, they are not true hibernators. Bears actually go into a deep sleep called a torpor and can be roused if disturbed.

Knowing this, it’s important to stay bear-aware all year. Carry bear spray with you at all times on the trail, and know how to use it. Bear spray can be effective deterrent when used properly. Be aware that wind, spray distance, rain, freezing temperatures and product shelf life can all influence its effectiveness. Familiarize yourself with the proper use of bear spray (including the manufacturer’s specific instructions) and keep it readily accessible.

Please continue to report all bear and other carnivore (wolf and cougar) sightings to Banff Dispatch at

Important links
  Current wildlife warnings and closures

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