School programs
Fundy National Park
Offer your students the chance to connect with nature through hands-on experiential educational programs that complement your curriculum! Allow our park interpreters to share their love for this place with your class as well as their enthusiasm and knowledge of Fundy’s ecosystems, wildlife and unique features.
At a glance
- Programs have been modified to meet the current public health recommendations
- We will consult with group leaders individually to promote safe social interactions during your experience
- Programs are available in September and October
- Our interpreters are open to exploring alternative topics or themes that might not be included in our described programming but are being covered in your classroom
Fall program descriptions
Diversity of Ocean Life (K-12)
Discover the unique creatures that live on Fundy’s beaches and how they are specially adapted to the challenging environment we call the intertidal zone. Learn about the awesome power of the tides as you explore the ocean floor and meet some members of this fascinating community of organisms.
*Note: This is a tide-dependant program.
NB Curriculum links: how animals meet their needs, life cycles, adaptations, food chains, tides, ecosystem interactions, habitats, ecological roles, biodiversity
Mission: Diversity (K-12)
Bugs! Salamanders! Plants! All play an important role in Fundy National Park’s ecosystems. Engage in a variety of hands-on activities, using scientific equipment, to help create a snapshot of the park’s biodiversity. Through this experience, students will hone their observation and identification skills, while making meaningful connections.
NB Curriculum links: Observation, biodiversity, characteristics of insects, ecological roles, life cycles, citizen science, taxonomy, classification, data collection
Preparing for Winter with a Chickadee (K-4)
If you were a chickadee, how would you prepare for winter? Learn about how our little feathered friends prepare for the colder temperatures, how they fulfill their needs, overcome challenges, find food in winter, avoiding predators and staying warm.
NB Curriculum links: The senses, exploration, seasonal change, how animals and plants meet their needs, food chains, ecological roles, diversity of life, adaptations
Surviving the Fundy Forest: Winter Edition (5-8)
If you lived in a forest, how would you prepare for winter? Learn about seasonal change in the forest and how plants and animals prepare for the colder temperatures, how they fulfill their needs and overcome challenges like finding food in winter, avoiding predators and staying warm.
NB Curriculum links: Exploration, seasonal change, how animals and plants meet their needs, food chains, ecological roles, diversity of life, adaptations, survival, ecology
Per student program fees apply. Fees do not apply to teachers and parent volunteers. Please collect the fee beforehand and pay at the Visitor Centre’s front desk upon your arrival at Fundy National Park. Cheques can be made payable to the Receiver General of Canada.
If none of these programs are a fit...
Contact the interpretation office at 506‑887‑6028 or email fundy@pc.gc.ca to discuss some alternate topics we can offer or how we can best compliment what you’re doing in your classroom.
Topics could include: Stream health, water systems, endangered species, astronomy, geocaching, salamander monitoring, outdoor skills, geology and more, depending on staff availability.
Custom programs must be requested as soon as possible to allow us time to prepare.
Want to stay longer?
- Take a hike! Fundy National Park has over 100 km of trails, ranging from easy to challenging, short and long, including stunning waterfalls, powerful rivers and rugged coastlines. Check out our list of trails.
- Contact us in order to get a copy of our self-guided scavenger hunt sheet.
- Considering an overnight visit? Fundy National Park is also a Dark Sky Preserve making it one of the best places in Canada to observe the night sky.
- Take part in some citizen science! Download the smartphone app iNaturalist and contact us to get our How to Use iNaturalist instruction sheet and record your observations on the diversity of living beings in the park.
- Try geocaching! Fundy has an exciting geocaching program.
- Fundy National Park has campsites, yurts and Otentiks. Contact us for more information.
Upon arrival
Your interpreter(s) will meet you in the parking lot of the Visitor Centre at the agreed upon arrival time. We usually allow 10 to 15 minutes for students to use the washrooms and grab a snack before the start of the program.
Virtual programming
Unfortunately, we are not currently able to offer virtual programming, but stay tuned! We are working on it. In the meantime, check out Nature for All: Discovery Zone’s website for resources and sessions.
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