Film, video and photography
Kouchibouguac National Park
Film, video and photography guidelines – Commercial and documentary
Kouchibouguac National Park Site offers a vast range of excellent film and photographic opportunities. In the interest of protecting the sites commemorative integrity while ensuring visitors are not impacted, these activities are subject to certain restrictions and special considerations. However, filming or photography of the site for commercial purposes or to share widely with the public as a documentary requires a permit issued by Parks Canada, and certain fees and special considerations may apply. These policies and regulations are put in place to protect Kouchibouguac National Park, the enjoyment and privacy of our visitors and the safety of the photographer/videographer while a photo/film shoot is being conducted.
Parks Canada is a federal agency and our user fees must comply with the legislative requirements as prescribed in the User Fees Act and the Parks Canada Agency Act. The fees applicable to all National Parks and National Historic Sites for film and photography are found in the Canada Gazette under the subtitle Film and Photography Fees at the following link: http://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2010/2010-08-28/html/toc-tdm-eng.html.
To film or photograph in national parks or national historic sites, an application must be submitted to Parks Canada 10 days prior to activities. If approved, a Film/Photography Permit will be issued which outlines the conditions and supplementary requirements associated with the production. The following information will assist in the preparation of a film/photography application.
Through the application process, Parks Canada can assist you with:
- Details on site regulations, conditions and requirements. All video/photography activities must comply with national park regulations, policies and conditions;
- Consultation and advice on film/video/photography opportunities and locations. Locations must be determined prior to a permit being issued; and
- Assistance with interviews with site staff and specialists. Interviews may be available depending on scope of project and availability of staff.
Step 1 - Setting the stage: Is your film/photography activity appropriate at a national park?
What works well?
- Simplicity: Small productions involving minimal equipment and crew size.
- Little impact on the environment and the visitors.
- Productions requiring minimal shooting time and assistance.
- Hiring the services of local location managers and scouts.
- Educational productions contributing to park objectives, messages and themes.
- Productions requesting off-season and/or weekday shooting dates. Weekend shoots at highly visited areas will be discouraged.
- Flexibility: Productions requiring images of the site in its entirety.
What won't work...
- Using equipment, chemicals, or engaging in any activity that may damage the environment and structures of the site.
- Use of trained wildlife not associated with the park.
- Filming, video, or photography of visitors, staff or models without their consent.
- Portraying activities that are illegal, damaging to Parks Canada's image or conflict with Parks Canada's messages.
Step 2 - Getting ready to roll: Will your application meet the following conditions and requirements?
- Acceptance of an indemnification clause and full responsibility for any incidents, and/or cost of clean-up or site rehabilitation, or replacement of object artifacts in the condition and location they were found.
- Compliance with national park regulations.
- Maintenance and clean-up of the park including provision of cigarette receptacles, garbage and human waste disposal.
- Respectful and professional contact with the visiting public.
- Provide additional insurance naming "His Majesty the King in right of Canada as represented by Parks Canada Agency."
Supplementary Requirements:
- A pre-production site visit with a representative from the Production Company, entity, or individual conducting the activity.
- Cooperation with the Parks Canada on-site supervisor for large or complex productions.
- Supply the park with a complimentary copy of the completed project for internal educational purposes.
- Provide Parks Canada with factual review of the final product when the site has participated in the project.
- Providing an on screen credit to Parks Canada and the specific name of the site.
- Providing a security deposit or hold back to ensure site restoration and clean up.
Step 3 - Juggling the paper work: The application process
- An application must be submitted to Parks Canada a minimum of 10 days prior to intended film/video/photography activities.
- The application will be assessed against the following: potential impact on the parks/sites resources; contribution to park/site objectives, themes and messages; required level of assistance; and consistency with Regulations and level of disturbance to other park/site users.
- If the application is approved, a Film/Photography Permit will be issued which must be carried while conducting activities in the national park/national historic site.
- The permit becomes valid once signed by the producer and Parks Canada, fees are paid in full, and supplementary requirements and conditions are agreed to.
- Parks Canada reserves the right to refuse any application that is not in the best interest of the Agency or revoke permission without notice if terms and conditions of the permit are violated.
The following information must be provided in any application to film/photograph in the National Parks or National Historic Sites.
- Describe the scope of the production, intended audience and use of footage.
- How does the production enhance or support the national park/historic sites(s) mandate of visitor experience, protection and education?
- List specific parks/sites, locations, dates and time requirements.
- Define the size of crew on location including all cast, crew and drivers.
- Provide a description of all vehicles, including licence plates and GVW.
- Outline type of equipment, sets, props and extent of use.
- Make available location maps, scale drawings and camera positions where appropriate.
- Indicate whether on-site production facilities are required (i.e. catering).
- Provide a script or storyboard for large productions.
- Product description and full name of company selling product.
- Written permission from the lessee for activities occurring on any leasehold land.
- Provide proof of comprehensive liability insurance policy indicating a minimum of $2,000,000, naming "Her Majesty the King in right of Canada as represented by Parks Canada Agency" as additional insured, to be carried for the duration of the production in the park/site.
Step 4 - Time to shoot: Applying fees and payment
- Fees are applied to productions according to the Parks Canada fee structure.
- Additional supervision requirements and/or overtime costs will be charged to the production and are in excess of the fees indicated below.
- Discounts are available depending on content and intent.
- GST is included in the fees below.
- Payments can be made by quoting a Visa, MasterCard or American Express number or by a cheque or money order payable to Receiver General of Canada.
- Payments must be received prior to film/photography activities commencing in the National Parks or National Historic Sites.
Applications to film/photograph Kouchibouguac National Park can be made by contacting the site:
Kouchibouguac National Park
186, Route 117
Kouchibouguac, NB E4X 2P1
Tel: (506) 876-2443
Email: kouchibouguac@pc.gc.ca
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