
Kouchibouguac National Park

Moose may look tame, but they are not. They have been known to charge people and vehicles and can attack with their hooves.

  • Cow moose are most dangerous during calving season (mid-May to the end of June)
  • Bull moose can be more aggressive during mating season (mid-September to the end of December)
  • In late winter, moose may be reluctant to leave the road or trail and may defend their space aggressively

Watch for moose while driving

Moose commonly run across the road - and sometimes stand in the middle of it. They can be very hard to see, especially at dusk or if they are not facing you. Avoid a collision: scan the roadside for wildlife, drive within the posted speed limit, and avoid driving after dusk.

Stay at least 3 bus lengths away (30 m / 100 ft), whether driving or on foot. On the trail, wait for the moose to leave, take a wider detour if necessary and always keep a tree or other large obstacle between you and the moose.

Moose encouters

Signs of an aggressive moose

  • Ears pinned back
  • Hair on neck raised
  • Mouth smacking and licking
  • Foot stomping
  • Swaying head
  • Short charges

If a moose charges

  • Find protection and get behind it
  • Trees or large rocks can serve as a barrier
  • If you get knocked down by a moose, curl up into a ball and protect your head and neck
  • Report encounters with agitated or aggressive moose immediately to Parks Canada staff or call 1‑877‑852‑3100

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