Stewardship and management
Gros Morne National Park
Gros Morne National Park is 1,805 square kilometres of wilderness on Newfoundland’s west coast. It stretches inland from the Gulf of St. Lawrence coastline through lowlands where waterways snake towards the Long Range Mountains and Tablelands. The flora and fauna are an exceptional mixture of temperate, boreal, and Arctic-alpine.
Natural beauty and a unique, geological showcase earned Gros Morne UNESCO World Heritage status in 1987. You can see clearly on display evidence of the forces that shaped our planet, from shifted tectonic plates to rare expanses of exposed earth’s mantle.
A roadway passes through the park’s varied terrain and coastal villages that host lively festivals and cultural events. While Gros Morne can be experienced on easy guided walks and a scenic boat trip through Western Brook Pond, the more adventurous can head out on their own, hiking to mountain tops or kayaking in summer, backcountry skiing and snowshoeing in winter.
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