Terra Nova National Park
The following is a summary of fishing regulations for Terra Nova National Park. National park fishing permits and entry permits are required.
Type of Angling Permitted
- Brooks and streams (NOTE: artificial fly fishing only)
- Ponds (NOTE: artificial fly as well bait and spinner fishing)
Trout Fishing
All Park waters are opened for trout fishing from May 18 to August 18, 2024
There are some exceptions:- Rocky Pond (this pond supplies Terra Nova National Park’s drinking water)
- Big Pond Watershed (including Big Pond, Minchin Pond and Minchin Brook)
- Blue Hill Pond
Daily catch and possession limit of Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) is 10. No other species is permitted.
Salmon Fishing - Northwest River ONLY (Open June 22, 2024)
Rules and regulations for salmon fishing on Northwest River have been updated for the 2024 season and align with the environmental protocol of Fisheries and Oceans Canada as outlined in the Angler’s Guide.
Northwest River will open to angling on June 22, 2024 for a total quota of 100 fish.
What licenses are required?
Prior to fishing, anglers are required to obtain a National Park Salmon License and tag and must be in possession of a Newfoundland and Labrador Inland Salmon License (individual or family license) and one valid unused Class 2 (red) tag. This license must be in your name.
The National Park Salmon License is free of charge and will be available at the seasonal Northwest River kiosk in the park on June 21, 2024 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, and during regular fishing hours beginning on June 22, 2024. A full list of regulations will be provided to each angler. The Newfoundland and Labrador Inland Salmon License must be purchased prior to picking up a National Park Salmon License and is available at community vendors such as convenience stores, garages and fishing shops.
Quick facts
- Each angler is restricted to one salmon and catch-and-release angling is not permitted for salmon between 30 and 63 cm.
- The fishery may close at any time if water levels are deemed too low for salmon passage upstream and/or concerns arise related to the long-term sustainability of the salmon populations.
- Pursuant to section 7.1(1) of the National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations, every person who holds a salmon license and catches a salmon within Terra Nova National Park of Canada shall immediately present the entire salmon for registration at the designated area in the parking lot near the Trans-Canada Highway, approximately 500 m from the north bank of the Northwest River.
- Retention of Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) is also permitted on Northwest River with a National Park fishing permit. Daily catch and possession limit is 10.
Will the salmon counting fence be installed this season?
The salmon counting fence will be installed for the 2024 season to capture scientific run data. No person shall fish 100 m above or below the salmon counting fence.
Weekly salmon counts will be recorded and available to the public on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada Atlantic Salmon Fishway Counts.
River status
For up-to-date information about openings or closures of the Northwest River, please refer to the Fisheries and Oceans Canada In-season River Status.
For specific information regarding salmon fishing:
- Park Administration: 709-533-2801
- Northwest River Kiosk: 709-427-4587
- Northwest River Conservation Group Facebook Page
- Newfoundland and Labrador Angler's Guide
Ice Fishing - Trout ONLY
Dunphy's Pond will be opened for ice fishing from February 15 to March 23, 2025 if ice conditions are deemed to be safe.
Dunphy’s Pond ONLY
For general information about ice safety, visit AdventureSmart.ca.
General Fishing Regulations
- You may not leave your fishing line unattended
- Fishing is prohibited during the period between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise the following day
- It is unlawful to fish from bridges in Terra Nova National Park of Canada
- It is unlawful to fish with lead sinkers or lead jigs. Loons and ducks eating the split shot will die
- Jigging or foul hooking (snagging) is illegal
- It is unlawful to possess tailers or gaff hooks
- It is unlawful to fish with a line having more than one artificial fly or other type of bait
- You cannot use a lure that has more than two single hooks or two gang hooks, or a single hook and one gang hook. Gang hooks cannot have more than three hooks on them
- It is unlawful to fish with an artificial fly attached to a spinning device or natural bait.
Related links
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