Perspectives of the Land
Torngat Mountains National Park
Torngat Mountains Base Camp and Research Station offers visitors daily excursions from base camp into the park and the surrounding landscape. Parks Canada staff provide interpretive programming on all trips in the park, and with logistical support from Torngat Mountains Base Camp, we are able to offer visitors a wide range of experiences. Here you will find descriptions of some of the day trips many visitors will have an opportunity to experience.
Perspectives of the Land
Amid the towering mountains and wide valleys of Torngat Mountains National Park, polar bears and caribou roam beside deep fjords as icebergs and glaciers brush against some of the earth’s oldest rocks. The spectacular wilderness of this park is home to a wide array of arctic flora and fauna, inspiring local Inuit and researchers to work together to learn from the land. Experience the rich stories of the natural world in this special place and discover the wonders of healthy, thriving Arctic ecosystems.
Bears and Bergs by Boat
Enjoy a half-day zodiac tour of up-close visits with majestic icebergs and learn where they came from and where they are going. Accompanied by Parks Canada staff and an Inuit Bear Guard, spot polar bears roaming the rocky shores of the outlying islands of the park on their hunt for food. Along the journey, expect to see seabirds, seals and whales, learn all the local Inuttitut names, and their importance to Inuit culture.
“Micro” Torngats - Plants and Insects Hike
Rain or shine, join staff on a half-day moderate hike near the Torngat Mountains Base Camp and Research station to appreciate the northern flora. Get close to the small arctic flowers, plants and insects of this tundra climate and discover how they have adapted their amazing survival techniques to this northern landscape. Identify key plants of the region – in English and Inuttitut – and learn about their traditional Inuit uses.
Some of the Oldest Rocks in the World
The towering mountains and sweeping fjords of the park represent a rich and unique geological history. Discover the hidden stories beneath your feet on a half-day excursion by zodiac that will allow you to walk on ancient pieces of the Earth’s Mantle. Geologists are on a search to find the oldest rocks in the world here in the Torngat Mountains, and some areas have been recorded as being over 3.9 billion years old! Along with a light interpretive hike, staff and visitors will savour a traditional Inuit shore lunch of freshly caught Arctic Char.
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