Traveling Independently

Torngat Mountains National Park

Visitors travelling unguided in Torngat Mountains National Park are expected to be self-reliant and are responsible for their own safety. Your preparedness, knowledge, skill and physical fitness must align with the degree of difficulty of the activities you plan to undertake. You are expected to be very good at using a map, compass, and GPS, and you must be prepared for bears.

Planning Your Trip

Make early contact with Parks Canada staff to discuss your trip well in advance. Carefully review the visitor information and polar bear safety information and DVD provided by Parks Canada. Understand where you are planning to go and the challenges associated with that particular route and area of the park. Ensure you are properly provisioned and equipped for the trip with the knowledge, skills, and physical fitness required for the activities that you plan to undertake.


All visitors must register before entering and “de-register” upon leaving Torngat Mountains National Park. Contact or visit the park office in Nain, Labrador. De-registration can occur outside office hours by leaving a voicemail message or contacting the 24-hour Parks Canada Emergency Dispatch.
Phone: 1-709-922-1290
Fax: 1-709-922-1294
Emergency Dispatch: 1-877-852-3100 or 1-780-852-3100

Knowledge is the key to a safe and enjoyable trip. Independent travellers are advised to carefully map their route, develop a safety plan, and to be very thorough in preparing their equipment and provisions. Here are some recommendations for preparing your trip. Please note that this list is not exhaustive.

  • Carry a satellite phone, compass, and GPS and be familiar with their proper use.
  • Carry effective, polar bear deterrents and know how to use them. Visitors are not allowed to carry firearms in the park. Engaging the services of an Inuit Bear Guard is strongly recommended.
  • If you plan on placing food caches within the park, you must contact park staff for permission and advice on approved storage containers and locations.
  • The choice of clothing and equipment can make or break a trip in the Torngats. Be prepared for variable weather, including cold and snow at any time of year. You must submit a detailed gear list to Parks Canada.
  • Ensure adequate provisions. Pack what you determine you need plus an allowance for weather delay.
  • Develop and submit a detailed itinerary and safety plan, including a bear encounter prevention/protection plan. This must be discussed with Parks Canada staff;
  • Information required for registration:

  • Group member information (names and addresses of everyone in the group, including guides)
  • Name, address and phone number of an emergency contact for each member of the group.
  • Means of access to the park - how are you getting here? (i.e. which operator you are with)
  • Previous experience in remote arctic wilderness
  • Previous experience with polar bears and northern black bears
  • A safety plan, which must include:

    • List of your major identifiable equipment like tents and backpacks (number of units, colour, etc.)
    • Type of communication equipment (Sat Phone, InReach, Spot, radio, etc.)
    • Type of activities you plan to undertake
    • A detailed itinerary, including intended start/ end dates and locations, intended routes, and any alternate routes you may take (include a map)
    • Date you are planning on leaving the park
    • Bear safety methods/ equipment you plan to use
    • Leave-No-Trace methods you plan to use
    • Any pertinent medical information about your group
    • Any formal training or certification relevant to your activity (first aid, guide certification, boat operator certification etc.)


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