Stewardship and management
Torngat Mountains National Park
Management Plan Review

Saglek Fjord
© Parks Canada / Heiko Wittenborn
The Canada National Parks Act (2000) requires Parks Canada to prepare a management plan for each national park in its care and to review the plan at least every 10 years. The management plan for Tongait KakKasuangita SilakKijapvinga–Torngat Mountains National Park of Canada is the key accountability document to the Canadian public. The review of the 2010 TMNP Management Plan is now complete.
The management plan provides the framework for decision-making and how Parks Canada, Inuit, partners and stakeholders will work together to enhance the management of the park in the coming years. It sets a clear, strategic direction for the management and operation of Tongait KakKasuangita SilakKijapvinga– Torngat Mountains National Park by outlining a long term vision and establishing a set of 5-year to 10-year objectives with associated targets.
The First Ten YearsParks Canada spent time on the land with Inuit from Nunavik and Nunatsiavut and the Cooperative Management Board to understand more about the land, wildlife, history, culture and Inuit connections to the place. This provided opportunities to hear their stories and, with the participation of Inuit, weave these stories into experiences for visitors to the park.
Parks Canada staff have spent the first ten years working with the Cooperative Management Board to determine the stories we want to share with visitors and to find ways to facilitate opportunities for Inuit – Elders and youth – to spend time in the park to strengthen connections to this land and to keep our relationship with each other strong.
Management Plan ReviewThe proposed vision, issues and opportunities facing Tongait KakKasuangita SilakKijapvinga–Torngat Mountains National Park were outlined in a discussion paper and presented to partners, stakeholders and at local community open houses in Kangiqsualujjuaq in Nunavik and Nain in Nunatsiavut during June 2016. The Cooperative Management Board met at Base Camp during the first week of August 2016 to discuss the proposed strategies to address the issues and opportunities facing the park.
After a delay in the planning process, the Cooperative Management Board reviewed the draft plan in 2020 and based on feedback received during consultations, the Draft Management Plan for Tongait KakKasuangita SilakKijapvinga–Torngat Mountains National Park was updated and made available for review. The Cooperative Management Board considered all input on the Draft Plan before the plan was finalized in 2022.
Research and Monitoring in Torngat Mountains National Park
- 2007 Annual Report of Research and Monitoring in Torngat Mountains National Park Reserve (PDF, 1.7 MB)
- 2008 Annual Report of Research and Monitoring in Torngat Mountains National Park (PDF, 3.1 MB)
- 2009 Annual Report of Research and Monitoring in Torngat Mountains National Park (PDF, 2.26 MB)
- 2010 Annual Report of Research and Monitoring in Torngat Mountains National Park (PDF, 5.10 MB)
- 2011 Annual Report of Research and Monitoring in Torngat Mountains National Park (PDF, 6.89 MB)
Management Plan
- Torngat Mountains National Park Management Plan 2010 (English, 12.8 MB, PDF)
- Tongait KakKasuangita SilakKijapvinga Aulatsigiamut Pannaigutik 2010 (Inuktitolluni, PDF, 12.8 MB)
- Tongait KakKasuangita SilakKijapvinga Aulatsigiamut Pannaigutik 2010 (Syllabics, PDF, 12.3 MB)
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