Plans and policies
Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site
Management Plan
The Management Plan sets clear strategic direction for the management and operation of Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site by articulating a vision, key strategies, and objectives.
Parks Canada will report annually on progress toward achieving the plan objectives and will review the plan every ten years or sooner if required.
Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site of Canada Management Plan, 2022
What is a management plan?
A management plan is a strategic guide required by legislation and approved by the Minister. It is the primary accountability document for national parks and historic sites administered by Parks Canada and looks forward 10 to 15 years.
A management plan
- is strategic in nature, based on a long-term vision,
- ensures transparency,
- guides management decisions and actions at a Parks Canada place,
- serves as a key public accountability document for that place, and
- is developed through extensive consultation and input from various people and organizations, including Indigenous Peoples, community members, visitors and the public.
Public consultation
Parks Canada sought public input to create the new Management Plan for Kejimkujik.
Let’s Talk Kejimkujik! was the platform used for a nation-wide consultation process, inviting partners, stakeholders, and the public to provide input on the draft management plan for Kejimkujik.
There was also a formal consultation process with the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia at the same time.
Animated title sequence: b-roll shots of Keji
Ursla Johnson
Clifford Paul
Jonathan Sheppard
Keji b-roll begins
" We acknowledge that we are in the unceded traditional territory of the Mi’kmaw people " "and that this land is covered by the Historic Treaties of Peace and Friendship. " "This land is the keeper of stories and memories. " "It is for this important reason that Kejimkujik Inland is not only a national park with a hotbed of bio-diversity " and a gentle wilderness escape for visitors, "but it is also a national historic site in its entirety, the only one in Canada, " because it tells this human story of the Mi’kmaq.
We see Clifford Paul speak
"cause all our families have come from this area, from this district." "And to me,I feel at home, I feel alive, " "and I feel that Kejimkujik has been a part of me long before I was born." "Part of that storytelling is to have the Mi’kmaq take meaningful roles " into the management of this ecosystem, this park. "We have a strong and positive relationship between the Mi’kmaq " and the officials of this park and the staff at this park. "We are able to bring in elders and community members to advise at the advisory level, " "at the consultation level, and at a meaningful discussion level." "Parks Canada and the Mi’kmaq will work together on the management plan through a two-eyed seeing lens." "Two-eyed seeing to me is the blend of traditional knowledge and modern western scientific knowledge." "My traditional eye, my modern western scientific eye." " I take both of those knowledges, and what I do, is I weave them together. " "And in my case: the management plan for parks, management plan for moose, " "and in my way of expressing myself in the natural world."We see Ursula Johnson speaking
"Let’s Talk Kejimkujik.ca is a public engagement opportunity for everyone " "the Mi’kmaq, partners, stakeholders, and the public " "What is YOUR vision for Kejimkujik " "as a camper who loves to explore? As a hiker, biker, or paddler? " "As a neighbour in our community? As a beach enthusiast" "who loves to explore the Atlantic coast? " As a Mi’kmaw person, as a cultural explorer, as a history buff, "or as a canoer, canoeing on these traditional Mi’kmaw routes." We're listening. "Register today at Let’s Talk Kejimkujik.ca and complete the survey." We're listening.Related links
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