Fire safety

Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site

Learn how to have a safe campfire and which stoves and other heating devices to use during a fire ban at Kejimkujik.

Backcountry firewood changes

Beginning in 2025, free and unlimited firewood will no longer be provided for backcountry campsites. Campers who choose to have a campfire must purchase firewood at the Visitor Centre or Campground Kiosk and transport it to their campsite. Campers will otherwise rely on the appliances they bring with them for their cooking, heating, and entertainment needs. More information

Report any wildfires, illegal campfires, or suspicious smoke to Parks Canada at 1-800-565-2224 or call 911.

On this page

Campfire in a designated fire pit.
A safe campfire in a designated firepit.
Campfire in the grass.
An unsafe campfire surrounded by rocks in the grass

How to have a safe campfire

Before your campfire:

  • Always check to ensure there aren't any fire bans. Campfires may not be allowed during periods of high fire danger. Check the important bulletins or call the Visitor Centre: 902-682-2772.
  • Purchase firewood at Kejimkujik or bring kiln-dried wood in a sealed plastic bag. There is a prohibition on importing firewood into Kejimkujik.

During your campfire:

  • Light your campfire only in a designated metal fire box.
  • Fires must be attended to at all times.
  • Keep campfires small to conserve wood.
  • Always keep a water bucket nearby in case of emergencies, or to put the fire out when you are done.

Putting out your campfire:

  • Completely extinguish your campfire with water. Before you leave, soak the fire, stir the embers, and soak it again until it is cool to the touch.

Avoid having an unsafe campfire

  • Do not bring in firewood or kindling from outside Kejimkujik – unless it is kiln-dried wood in a sealed plastic bag.
  • Do not collect deadfall from the surrounding forest for burning.
  • Do not start a campfire if there is a fire ban at Kejimkujik.
  • Fires are not permitted outside of designated firepits or boxes (this includes on all beaches and rocky surfaces).
  • Campfires are not allowed at some backcountry campsites. Check the backcountry camping information or ask at the Visitor Centre.
  • Never leave a flame unattended.
  • Do not throw cigarettes on the ground. Put them out and discard them in a bin.
  • Never leave a fire pit unattended while it is still warm.

Fines for burning illegally

In a national park, burning illegally could lead to a fine of up to $25,000.

How to light a campfire

Never started a campfire before? Watch the following video and you’ll be roasting marshmallows in no time!

Learn-to Camp: How to light a campfire

Fire ban information

A fire ban is a legal restriction on certain types of fires to prevent human-caused wildfires. Some activities are not permitted during a full or partial fire ban.

In a national park, burning illegally could lead to a fine of up to $25,000.

Find out if a fire ban is in place: check the important bulletins or call the Visitor Centre: 902-682-2772.

Permitted during a fire ban

Use of the following items is permitted during a fire ban:

Gas or propane stoves and barbecues
Propane, catalytic, or infrared/radiant heaters
Propane or gas lanterns
Portable propane Firepits
Indoor wood-burning stoves
in fully enclosed buildings

Use equipment that is CSA or UL certified. Look for these symbols or check with the store where it was purchased:

Prohibited during a fire ban

Use of the following items is prohibited during a fire ban:

Wood-burning campfire
Charcoal, briquette, or wood barbecues
Turkey fryers
Tiki torches
Outdoor wood-burning stove including cooking shelters
If you are unsure, please ask a Parks Canada staff member

Reasons for a fire ban

Fire bans are based on local fire hazards, current and forecasted weather conditions, the amount of moisture in vegetation, the regional wildfire situation, and the availability of responders and equipment. Current and forecasted conditions are evaluated daily.

Fire ban status is determined by long term trends rather than daily weather or fire danger.

Fire danger index

Fire danger is an index that tells us how easily a fire could start, how difficult a fire may be to control and how long a fire might burn.

Why is there a fire ban even though it is cold and rainy?

It takes a lot of rain to restore moisture to deep soil layers, trees, and logs that have dried out. Rain quickly evaporates when followed by warm temperatures and wind. This means fire danger can quickly return to high or extreme.

The regional wildfire situation may be more active. It is important for Parks Canada not to have human-caused fires divert resources from naturally caused ones in other areas.

Provincial fire bans do not apply to national parks

Local fire hazards, the availability of responders and equipment, and conditions such as weather, elevation, and forest health are not always the same in the province and national parks.

More information

Parks Canada:

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